Literally. A few of the sailors found an old board lying around and nailed it down to the scuppers. Garnal walked onto the plank with the crew yelling obscenities at her, jeering at her, and in general treating her with the level of disdain that only a pirate of her caliber deserved. Not that Gar...
He wanted to graduate from North Academy and leave the school to see the wider world; wanted to become a more proficient mage; wanted to serve Lord Xocion with all of his heart, soul, and strength; and maybe even get married and have kids someday. He would never get to do any of that now. Uron's ...
It could have been a day ago, a week ago, hell, maybe even a year ago. Time in the Void was as ill-defined as the ramblings of a lunatic. Beside her, Gujak also lay under the sand, having just finished complaining that the sand had gotten into the crooks of his body and would be hard to wash out ...
I don't want to lose you in the battle that is probably already starting below.” “Hold on,” I say, holding out a hand toward her. “What is this army that you speak of? Is it from Reunification? More of those lizard creatures, perhaps?” “Probably,” says the Head. She puts one hand on her forehead ...
'Twas not the darkness of midnight, which is a natural thing and easily dispelled by the light of day or the light conjured by a wizard or witch; nay, this was a complete darkness, one I could no more see through than I could see through a thick mountain or stone wall. But it was not death. That ...
He reminded her of a story that she had once read, in which a handsome prince repeatedly rejected the advances of the equally beautiful princess who had fallen in love with him. The princess had chased the prince for years until he finally gave in, at which point the two were married, had ten chi...