'Twas not the darkness of midnight, which is a natural thing and easily dispelled by the light of day or the light conjured by a wizard or witch; nay, this was a complete darkness, one I could no more see through than I could see through a thick mountain or stone wall. But it was not death. That much I knew. I was as alive as ever, for I could feel air going in and out of my lungs, and I still felt the sand betwixt my toes, sand which was likely from the Dead Lands. Beyond that, however, not all of mine senses had returned yet. Though I did feel the temperature around me, which was an even and cool temp, though why that was, I did not know. I last remembered being out in the hot, dry sun of the Dead Lands, but now I was in a much cooler place, or so it seemed to me. I did not like being in the dark, however, whether literally or figuratively. Hence, I began to force my eyes open; not only did I want to see where I was, but I also wished to find out if Resita was all right. For I vaguely recalled being in severe danger before being knocked out; and if Resita was dead, then I would indeed be angry at myself for allowing that to happen.