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Tom Sharpe books

Tom Sharpe
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Read Books by Tom Sharpe


Indecent Exposure (1994)

As a satiric take-down of racist white society in arphatide South Africa this is a top rate book, but time is merciless and the book is greatly eroded by homophobia and rape jokes. At one time is probably was the height of yuks to have white policemen raping black women turned into flaming gays t...

Indecent Exposure (1994) by Tom Sharpe

Porterhouse Blue (1999)

Porterhouse Blue is a tale of an ossified world struggling to avoid modernity. When a former politician is parachuted into the role of Master of Porterhouse College, Cambridge, his desire to create change is met with horror and resistance by the staff, not least the venerable Skullion, night-port...

Porterhouse Blue (1999) by Tom Sharpe

Wilt (2002)

"Digamos que o homem é um animal domesticado com certas componentes selvagens dentro dele.""Wilt" é um livro dominado pelo humor negro e Tom Sharpe conseguiu ser maravilhosamente bem sucedido na tarefa em manter o interesse e crueldade durante uma história de mal-entendidos, caracterizada pelo ab...

Wilt (2002) by Tom Sharpe

Riotous Assembly (1994)

I have always loved the work of Tom Sharpe (I constantly regret the day I decided not to see him talk at our local library). The man had such a statical and biting wit born from his own person experiences. This book (and its sequel) are perfect examples of his own experiences shaping a story and ...

Riotous Assembly (1994) by Tom Sharpe

Blott on the Landscape (1999)

If you're a fan of British humour, and by British humour I mean truly horrifying things happening to people so vile that it's funny rather than off-putting, you have to read Tom Sharpe.His first 2 books (Indecent Exposure and Riotous Assembly) are satires on the apartheid-era South African police...

Blott on the Landscape (1999) by Tom Sharpe

The Great Pursuit (1999)

Caustic humor is a long and noble British tradition. What sets Tom Sharpe ahead of the pack is not the depth of his perversion (which is deep enough) or the sheer volume of comic mayhem that he can squeeze into two hundred pages, but that he can make you laugh out loud at the most appalling thing...

The Great Pursuit (1999) by Tom Sharpe

The Throwback (1997)

Cathartic is what I'd call this book. Who of us has not raged at inordinate amounts of tax ripped from our hands, or how it is legal for some to evade it but how most of must obey, or the blinding, soul-crushing meaningless of it all??? In The Throwback, we have a modern day hero in Lockhart Flaw...

The Throwback (1997) by Tom Sharpe

The Midden (1999)

Also bitte, liebe Herausgeber dieses Buches: wie kommt ihr um alles auf den deutschen Titel "Ein dicker Hund"? Nur wegen dem Rottweiler, der passend "Genscher" heißt und eine winzige Nebenrolle spielt? Weitere Hunde, ob dick oder auch dünn, waren leider für mich in dem Buch nicht zu finden. Der O...

The Midden (1999) by Tom Sharpe

Wilt In Nowhere (2005)

I am reviewing the novel Wilt In Nowhere which is an excellent comedy novel which I bought from Amazon. This novel is part of the Porterhouse Blue series of novels & doesn't have a great plot but has loads of humor and is very funny. It reminds me a little bit of Terry Pratchett doing the Discwor...

Wilt In Nowhere (2005) by Tom Sharpe

Ancestral Vices (1997)

La historia se me hizo interesante, no creí que fuera a tomar el giro tan radical que tomó, pero aún así resulta entretenida, mucho, en todo el sentido de la palabra. Es la primera vez que leo a Tom Sharpe y no me resultó tan humorístico comparándolo por ejemplo con Wodehouse(al menos en este lib...

Ancestral Vices (1997) by Tom Sharpe

Wilt On High (2004)

Don't pity Henry Wilt. Sure, over the course of 2 novels he's been suspected of murdering his wife (Wilt) and been taken hostage by terrorists (The Wilt Alternative), but he's managed to extricate himself from these predicaments by, well, just being Wilt. Which makes one wonder how he's going to ...

Wilt On High (2004) by Tom Sharpe

The Wilt Alternative (1984)

"Wilt especulava sobre o paradoxo do progresso material e da decadência espiritual e, como de costume, não chegou a conclusão alguma."A vida de Henry Wilt caminha sempre por linhas tortas. Tem mais dores de cabeça como presidente dos Estudos de Formação Geral do que quando era apenas um professor...

The Wilt Alternative (1984) by Tom Sharpe

Vintage Stuff (2002)

Peregrine Roderick Clyde-Brown, a bumbling British public schoolboy, has a penchant for taking the most innocent commands literally. His adventures whisk him to a French castle, where he commits murder and mayhem. British humor is rarely captured as effectively as this. Fry accomplishes an incred...

Vintage Stuff (2002) by Tom Sharpe

Grantchester Grind (1996)

Though as cunning as ever, the formidable Skullion - previously head porter, now elevated to Master - is showing signs of physical frailty after his stroke. So the tricky business of appointing a new Master must start all over again. Meanwhile the College's monstrous debts refuse to go away, and ...

Grantchester Grind (1996) by Tom Sharpe

The Gropes (2009)

I keep thinking about this book, so I felt compelled to write a review (by the way, continuing to think about a book after you've read it is not necessarily the sign of a good book). I think it's already pretty evident that I did not enjoy this book. As I'm at work, here are a few bullet points w...

The Gropes (2009) by Tom Sharpe

The Wilt Inheritance

He had flatly refused. ‘It’s not just the Last Post: it’s the last place on earth I’d want to be. I’d rather be in prison for the rest of my life. At least if anyone shouts or screams in the middle of the night there you can be pretty sure someone will stop them, and even prisoners don’t have to ...

The Wilt Inheritance by Tom Sharpe

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