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T.R. Ragan books

T.R. Ragan
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Read Books by T.R. Ragan


A Dark Mind (2013)

T. R. Ragan's "Dark Mind" (Thomas Mercer 2014), #3 in the Lizzy Gardner series, is a look inside the mind of a demented, sick killer who revels in bringing pain to the happiest of people. Called the Lovebird Killer because his victims are couples who are madly in love, profiler Lizzy Gardner sets...

A Dark Mind (2013) by T.R. Ragan

Almost Dead

Hayley told Kitally. “If this is the right woman, the girl’s name is now Christina Bradley.”     Kitally headed across the room and hovered over her. “How the heck did you find her? I’ve called every child-care service provider in Sacramento. Most of them wouldn’t give out any...

Almost Dead by T.R. Ragan

Evil Never Dies (The Lizzy Gardner Series Book 6)

With her fingers clasped around the doorknob, she slowly pushed open the door. “Valerie?” she called as she stepped inside. “Val, are you here?”     Usually the television was on and she would find her ten-year-old daughter eating a pudding or some other snack she wasn’t suppo...

Evil Never Dies (The Lizzy Gardner Series Book 6) by T.R. Ragan

Obsessed (The Lizzy Gardner Series)

“Good morning,” Lizzy said. “I brought you all some treats for taking such good care of Dad.”     “How sweet of you. I’ll be sure and put these in the break room for everyone to enjoy.”     “Great,” Lizzy said as she eyed a picture of Margery dressed in pur...

Obsessed (The Lizzy Gardner Series) by T.R. Ragan

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