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Read Almost Dead

Almost Dead

Online Book

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Thomas & Mercer

Almost Dead - Plot & Excerpts

Hayley told Kitally. “If this is the right woman, the girl’s name is now Christina Bradley.”
    Kitally headed across the room and hovered over her. “How the heck did you find her? I’ve called every child-care service provider in Sacramento. Most of them wouldn’t give out any information unless I was a parent or an attorney. The few people who didn’t care about rules and regulations had no one in their records by the name of Debra Blatt.”
    “I decided to use the hospital where she was born and her birth date instead of her name,” Hayley said. “Then I followed a paper trail of foster homes and sent out a dozen emails. I just received a response from a woman who said all the information I gave her matched a girl she roomed with named Debra Blatt. She said that when Debra turned eighteen, she had her name legally changed to Christina Bradley.”
    “Lizzy is going to be happy about this. You might have just saved a young girl’s life.”

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