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Tracy Brogan books

Tracy Brogan
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Books: 8 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.82

Read Books by Tracy Brogan


Crazy Little Thing (2012)

this book was amazing, it was a little sad because of Sadie and her divorce, but it was sweet mainly because she was able to escape to her favorite aunts house for the summer and her aunt is too funny. Sadie all and all learns more about herself in her new journey of being a single woman, if you ...

Crazy Little Thing (2012) by Tracy Brogan

The Best Medicine (2014)

She is 35, and now that she has accomplished all of her goals, she is ready to find a husband. He is 27, and he has yet to accomplish any of his goals. A chance meeting between the two of them causes sparks, an undeniable connection between the two of them. This book has spark, funniness and roma...

The Best Medicine (2014) by Tracy Brogan

Ausgeliefert in den Highlands (2014)

Although a fun read, it just didn't do it for me completely. Though it flows easily and doesn't really bore you except for Fiona's persistence at first and her sudden change of heart after finding out the "facts". In a realistic world, even if you find out that the people you always thought to be...

Ausgeliefert in den Highlands (2014) by Tracy Brogan

Highland Surrender (2012)

Love, love, love Highland Surrender! Tracy Brogan has, once more, successfully transported me to a place where the characters feel so real, it's as if you could reach out and touch them! As I neared the end, I willed the book to have more chapters because I wasn't ready to leave the Campbell and...

Highland Surrender (2012) by Tracy Brogan

Hold on My Heart (2013)

This is a wonderful and well written read that left me with a feeling of peace and happiness. Its the story of Tom Murphy, a widower with a teenaged daughter. They are both still experiencing the grief of their loss which is keeping them apart. Tom sets up counseling sessions hoping to repair the...

Hold on My Heart (2013) by Tracy Brogan

Douces folies (2014)

This was a good start to a series. There were a lot of things I liked, but some things that I didn't that brought my overall star rating down just a bit.I liked that when the reader is introduced to Fontaine, there is not explanation. He is the cousin. Period. Other things about him come into ...

Douces folies (2014) by Tracy Brogan

B00B8X2YE8 (2012)

This was a DNF for me. I'm not sure if it's because I was listening to it instead of reading it and the woman's voice who read it was so annoying that I wanted to stab my ear with a pen to make it stop or because it's a bad story. I think it's a little of both. The main character, Sadie, is uptig...

B00B8X2YE8 (2012) by Tracy Brogan

Best Medicine, The (2014)

Not bad. Easy read. I liked the other Bell Harbor story better, but this was cute too. Really liked this book. First time reading this author.

Best Medicine, The (2014) by Tracy Brogan

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