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Tracy Cooper-Posey books

Tracy Cooper-Posey
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Read Books by Tracy Cooper-Posey


Blood Knot (2011)

4.5 starsi will admit, i didnt have high hopes for this, as it was free when i got it, (feb 2014) but HOLY HELL i was surprised!!Winter is a thief, and she works with Sebastian. Both have a secret neither shares, until a job goes wrong and these secrets are revealed, with a knock on effect neithe...

Blood Knot (2011) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Bannockburn Binding (2011)

Wow, was this a great book! Tally Marta is a vampire who works for an agency that takes clients back in time to be observers of actual history. While in Scotland in the year 1314, she and her client are captured and held for ransom by Robert MacKenzie, part of clan Bruce. Tally can't tell Rob tha...

Bannockburn Binding (2011) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Chronicles of the Lost Years: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (2012)

When Sherlock Holmes was at the peak of his success he disappeared, abruptly, for three years. Dr. Watson believed him to be dead. No one knows what happened to him in those years…until now. Watson takes up his pen one last time to describe in a private memoir the true tale of Holmes’ adventures...

Chronicles of the Lost Years: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (2012) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Bannockburn Binding (Beloved Bloody Time)

Wildflowers growing amongst the reeds on the roof shone in the sun. It was quite a large building, considering the tiny one-room shacks that entire families lived in, elsewhere in the valleys. There were at least four windows, with actual glass in all of them, which was virtually unheard of here ...

Bannockburn Binding (Beloved Bloody Time) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Zoe's Blockade (Destiny's Trinities Book 5)

Diego was standing at the front door with a gun in his hand, looking up at them as they descended. “There’s someone coming,” he said. “Big, black truck with lights on the cab.” Cole glanced through the pane and sighed. “It’s Brady.” Zoe bit her lip. “My brother? That Brady?” Declan asked. “How ma...

Zoe's Blockade (Destiny's Trinities Book 5) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Carson's Night (The Stonebrood Saga)

It was a bit snug around the bust line, but wearable. There were some platform shoes in a teal green that the wardrobe consultant had included in the parcel, just in case, that matched flecks from the pattern in the dress, and she slipped them on and went downstairs.     Nick ...

Carson's Night (The Stonebrood Saga) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

White Dawn: A Military Romantic Suspense Novel

The chain-link ran around the perimeter of the compound and the wind was making it ripple and bow. It had been put up hastily and he doubted it would last out the storm, but he needed it gone now, not in twelve hours. “Jasso?” he asked. There was no need to keep his voice down. The wind was roari...

White Dawn: A Military Romantic Suspense Novel by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Beauty's Beasts (2016)

She could feel his knee behind her back, supporting her. “I remember this,” she said. “We’ve gone full circle.” “God, I hope not,” Nick said. She opened her eyes. He was sitting next to Damian on the bed and still naked, like Damian and her. Only a few minutes or so must have passed. There was a ...

Beauty's Beasts (2016) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Spartan Resistance

There was an observation deck that had been built into the rock face, twenty meters above the cavern floor where Rhydder’s army trained. Gawaine made himself halt at the deck level, to gaze upon the groups of soldiers training, down below. This was a natural cave deep beneath the villa, reached b...

Spartan Resistance by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Terror Stash

She had been repotting something unrecognizable, but sat back and pulled off her gloves when he sat at the table opposite her.     “You’re just in time for lunch.” Then she pressed her forefinger against her pursed lips. “Oh, dear,” she said. “You don’t look very happy, Caden....

Terror Stash by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Cora's Secret: A Vampire Ménage Urban Fantasy Romance

If he’d driven all the way up from Manhattan, then he had reason to stretch. That also explained why he had pulled up in front of the diner. It was highly visible from the I90 and yanked in a lot of transient customers. Rhys ate here because the food was good and the prices even better. It also l...

Cora's Secret: A Vampire Ménage Urban Fantasy Romance by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Fatal Wild Child

Gabrielle opened the door and greeted Sam first. "You came. I'm so glad you did." Sam smiled stiffly at first. "Well, the ski lifts were all booked, so..." "Really? You should have said something. I'll get you on the private lift." Gabrielle looked expectedly at Tyler, who stood waiting on the po...

Fatal Wild Child by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Cat and Company

FY 10.187 Devlin insisted she attend the dinner. “I’m not an idiot, Catherine. The only reason I was invited was to get you to visit them.” “I don’t think that’s entirely true.” “Perhaps not,” Devlin said, with a small smile of his own. “For once, my fame is taking second place and I like that, s...

Cat and Company by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Blood Revealed (2016)

Dominic told her. “He’s not,” Patrick Sauvage agreed quietly. “We’re all fighters, now,” Blythe argued. She could see the doubt in Dominic’s eyes and needed to drive the wedge in. “Besides, you didn’t get that knife wound while picking daisies. You might not have been born a fighter and you might...

Blood Revealed (2016) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Terra's Victory (Destiny's Trinities Book 7)

Beth had expected that. The Grimoré and their allies all preferred working in the dark. The dryads warned them of the vampeen approach, flitting among the trinities like wisps of mist, whispering their warning, before merging back into the trees and disappearing. Beth had conversed at length with...

Terra's Victory (Destiny's Trinities Book 7) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Harvest of Holidays (2016)

She roused slowly, letting herself float in the warm liquid sensations. But the pleasure was building, drawing her to full consciousness. Carson was playing with her breast, drawing the nipple in between his lips and stroking it with his tongue. It was still dark outside and she could hear snow s...

Harvest of Holidays (2016) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Faring Soul - Science Fiction Romance

A wide bench was fastened to the wall and was littered with tools. In the middle of the bench was a portable radiation scanner, switched on and beeping as it passed through the different scan modes. Catherine halted with a gasp of horror. On the floor before the bench, Lilly laid in a pool of blo...

Faring Soul - Science Fiction Romance by Tracy Cooper-Posey

5,001 - A Science Fiction Romance Short Story

It was right in the middle of the Rebels game against the Crimson Crunchers. The Rebels were being slaughtered as usual because the Crunchers were an Esquilino team, but the Rebels had shown some amazing spirit. They had come so close to scoring, more than once. The possibility that they might ac...

5,001 - A Science Fiction Romance Short Story by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Blue Knight

Daniel didn’t need to look up to know it was her. Just the murmured whispers, the turned heads and the elbows in ribs were enough to tell him she had arrived.     He kept his head down, scanning the three-month-old Times.     “She looks weird,” Jenny said, ...

Blue Knight by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Romani Armada

She sat and ate all the food put in front of her, even though she choked it down mouthful by mouthful. In between, she walked circuits of her living room floor, sometimes accompanied by Demyan, sometimes by herself, sometimes with Gawain or Marley for company.Demyan at first protested at Marley g...

Romani Armada by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Unbearable (2016)

It was an arrangement that eliminated a thousand questions and speculation yet let us share hotel rooms and accommodation. If it had been 1883 instead of 1983, or even 1933, we could have taken a three-day transatlantic ship to Britain and arrived with our sanity and our swords intact. However, m...

Unbearable (2016) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Varken Rise (2016)

FY 10.092 Brant had grown far more accustomed to easing information out of strangers after two decades in Catherine’s company. Sometimes, monetary encouragement was needed. Often, though, all that was required was basic psychology. Bring the subject around to talking about themselves and it all c...

Varken Rise (2016) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Sabrina's Clan (2016)

He returned to work the next day, almost eager to get into the office and get to it. He even breezed past his uncle’s dour comments about sick days and responsibilities. For the first time since he had reluctantly dragged his ass into the office to start learning the ropes, Jake had something he ...

Sabrina's Clan (2016) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Byzantine Heartbreak

2263 A.D. It bothered the hell out of Cáel that Nayara was sitting in the big old-fashioned wing chair in the corner of her office, her feet curled up under her, withdrawn from the discussion at hand. But there was nothing he could do about it right now. There was thirteen of them standing, sitti...

Byzantine Heartbreak by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Octavia's War (2016)

Octavia’s backpack was filled with food they could eat cold if they needed to and a gallon jug of water. “It’s not enough water,” Ángel said. “There might be snow and if there isn’t, we won’t die of thirst, not even if we’re out there for more than three days.” “It’s only twenty miles to the bord...

Octavia's War (2016) by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Mia's Return

Alexander stripped his clothes quickly, as Wyatt’s breathing settled. Alexander was tall and supple, while Wyatt was all muscles and power, but Alexander was still undeniably male. His chest and shoulders were solid and flexed with lean muscles. And he too, had a defined abdomen, with sharply del...

Mia's Return by Tracy Cooper-Posey

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