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Trudy Stiles books

Trudy Stiles
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.25

Read Books by Trudy Stiles


Dear Emily (2013)

Whatever I say about this book, it will not do it justice. It's that great. I don't even know where to begin.... As usual, I went into this book blind. Not knowing anything about it. Wow! I did not know what I was in for. The subject matter is rough. It has rape, abuse and violence. But do not ma...

Dear Emily (2013) by Trudy Stiles

Dear Tabitha (2014)

After the whirlwind emotional ride of Dear Emily, I did not know what to expect with Dear Tabitha. Could my poor heart take anymore? I loved Dear Emily so much that I dove right into the next one. I needed to know if Tabitha and Alex get their HEA. Either together or apart.As Tabitha and Alex's s...

Dear Tabitha (2014) by Trudy Stiles

Dear Emily (Forever Family)

Seth isn’t here. Good. I don’t want to deal with him right now. I don’t want to talk to him about anything.     I feel like shit.     I’m still scared, sad, and jealous. I can’t help the jealousy. Jealousy is such an ugly thing. Jealousy turns to resentment...

Dear Emily (Forever Family) by Trudy Stiles

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