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Tyrolin Puxty books

Tyrolin Puxty
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Read Books by Tyrolin Puxty


Broken Dolls

He keeps jerking awake when his head flops to his chest, but he won’t be able to keep it up for much longer.     He mumbles something incoherent, so I don’t respond. His head rolls back onto the headrest, his eyes closed. This time, he doesn’t flinch awake.    &...

Broken Dolls by Tyrolin Puxty

Shattered Girls (Broken Dolls Book 2)

I’m not sure why. All I knew was I was motionless and mute. Clearly, that led me to believe I was a plant. Then, I grew tired of the monotony. My mind screamed for someone to “pick me, just pick me”; I didn’t want to live like that anymore. I was beautiful, though. I had long, sharp blue petals w...

Shattered Girls (Broken Dolls Book 2) by Tyrolin Puxty

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