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Read Shattered Girls (Broken Dolls Book 2)

Shattered Girls (Broken Dolls Book 2)

Online Book

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Curiosity Quills Press

Shattered Girls (Broken Dolls Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts

I’m not sure why. All I knew was I was motionless and mute. Clearly, that led me to believe I was a plant. Then, I grew tired of the monotony. My mind screamed for someone to “pick me, just pick me”; I didn’t want to live like that anymore. I was beautiful, though. I had long, sharp blue petals with a purple stem. No other flowers surrounded me. I was on my own.
    The mind does weird things.
    My eyes spring open, and I gasp for air. In the surrounding haze, dozens of wires dig into my arms, legs, and head. I smack my hands against the glass in front of me, and a door hisses open. I cough repeatedly, struggling to catch my breath as my memories snap back into place.
    My human form. The one I used to hate. My plump, crippled form, well into its fifties. But right now, I’m not bothered by my age or weight. There are too many other things to worry about.
    There’s something in my hand. Slowly, I fumble with a piece of paper and squint my eyes to read the chicken scrawl.

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