This is such a bad book on so many levels, I finally gave up after 178 pages. Written at a sixth-grade level, the story reads like YA, its characters having a YA maturity. However, the characters are all in their thirties, and the violence and sex definitely makes this a non-YA novel.The characte...
They reminded me of pigeons, the way they milled aimlessly on the lawns and brick walkways, as if hoping to happen upon something interesting—a pizza crust or an errant cheese doodle. “Think she’s coming?” an acne-stricken kid said to his friend through a neon purple virus mask. His friend, who h...
At first she thought it was part of whatever dream she’d been having, but it grew louder as she came fully awake instead of fading away. It was coming from both the closet and the ceiling. She couldn’t imagine what it could be. There were no mice on Cyan, but it was too un...
The South Pacific. The door was locked. The room was comfortable, replete with a well-stocked kitchen and an entertainment system that was so up-to-date it contained movies yet to be released. But the door was locked.You’re considered a risk. They don’t know the extent of ...
Hunter called to Dom from the backseat. They turned down a stretch of road lined with cyclone fences and dotted with businesses: a concrete supplier, a cabinet factory, a transmission repair shop. “Here we go,” she said, pointing at a dirt driveway. The beat-up sign out front read DELL’S AUTO WRE...
“I still get the fever on a Saturday night,” Gilly sang from the passenger seat, his eyes closed, head lolling. He sounded terrible, trying to sing with that voice. I unpacked my spicy chicken sandwich while I pulled out of the lot, burned the roof of my mouth on the first bite. I was eating too ...
“Hello. Hello there.” She felt the light on her eyelids, and knew that if she opened her eyes, they would sting, and she would have to shade them with her palm and let the light bleed through a crack. “Feel like talking?” A man’s soft voice. &nbs...
The South Pacific. The door was locked. The room was comfortable, replete with a well-stocked kitchen and an entertainment system that was so up-to-date it contained movies yet to be released. But the door was locked.You’re considered a risk. They don’t know the extent of ...
Near Madison, Georgia. The gently sloping hill was covered with people, tents, and trash. There were people as far as Lila could see, from those high up among the copses of scrub pines dotting the top of the hill, to the throngs pressed right up to the outer fence, which had been set up to keep o...