on Saturday, December 9, with Casey and Khalilzad on secure video. The general and the ambassador were scheduled to meet with Maliki the next day. They said they anticipated he would ask for additional Iraqi forces and more help from U.S. Special Forces. In addition, they said Maliki believed he ...
The Republican leaders brought their senior staff—Jackson, Loper, Stombres and Bradley. Biden, Geithner, Lew and Nabors sat in for the administration. They were close on a draft plan, Obama said, as he rattled off various cuts and savings. They were close on the cuts to the non-Defense, nonsecuri...
On February 24, two days before Muskie was scheduled to campaign in Manchester, New Hampshire, William Loeb’s right-wing newspaper, the Manchester Union Leader, had published an anti-Muskie editorial on its front page. Titled “Senator Muskie Insults Franco-Americans,” it accused Muskie of hypocri...