PonderingsTHE EXPECTED rush of invitations to join this and that quickened its pace during early September, and I was asked to bestow my time and ability upon diverse activities, from arranging the flowers in Beech Green church to judging the entries of those local Brownies who were aspiring to a literary badge to wear on their sleeves. The first invitation I turned down as politely as I could. I am one of the grasp-and-drop-in brigade of flower arrangers, and anything on a large pedestal involving great lumps of Oasis and hidden strings would be beyond me.The Brownies could be undertaken in my own home and in my own time, and as hardly any of the little girls seemed to have literary aspirations, preferring very sensibly to opt for cooking or knitting, my judicial skills would not be overworked. I took on this little chore with great pleasure.I had the chance to be a secretary, a treasurer, a general adviser, a part-time librarian, a prison visitor, a baby-minder and a regular contributor to our local radio station.'I can't think how they all got on without me,' I confessed to Amy one sunny September afternoon, as we sat in my garden.'They must be jolly hard up,' said Amy.
What do You think about (20/20)A Peaceful Retirement?