You have now successfully licensed a Chicago branch of Let’s Do Coffee.” Forbes reached across the corner of the table and shook Shon’s hand.“Thanks, man. I wasn’t sure this one was ever going to go through. As always, couldn’t have done it without you.”“Now,” Forbes shuffled the folders in front of him, looking for one in particular, “there’s just one more thing we need to talk about.”Shon gestured with his hand, open and palm facing Forbes, in a circular motion. “I don’t like this facial expression. This can’t be good.”Forbes forced a frown. “It has come to my attention”—he opened the red file folder and rifled through a few pieces of paper before finding the one he wanted—“that you appeared on Alaine Delacroix’s show on Tuesday.”Shon looked down at the printout of the newspaper article Forbes slid across the shiny wood surface toward him. “Dude, don’t do that to me. I thought you were talking about something serious.” Shon flipped the page back toward Forbes.