Emily finished her retching and wiped her mouth on the damp cloth Jenny handed to her. Her head was spinning and her knees weak. 'Thank you, Jenny. I am recovered now.' She stepped away from the bushes and stood whilst her maid attempted to restore order to her appearance. She glanced up to see three anxious faces watching from the carriage. Pinning a smile to her pale face she walked back and climbed slowly up the steps that had been lowered in her absence by one of the postilions. 'I'm so sorry, Mama. I do believe that something I ate at breakfast must have disagreed with me.' 'And I am sorry, my dear. I should have got down to assist you. But I am no use in such circumstances, as you well know.' 'Please do not apologise, Mama. I'm quite old enough to vomit on my own.' She heard a smothered giggle. 'It's quite permissible to laugh girls. I'm not so stuffy as to object.' Amelia grinned. 'You were very sick, Em; I'm so relieved that you got out of the carriage in time.' Emily joined in the laughter.