There's nothing like a good hearty dose of the cozy yet huge and crazy Witch Central family. By this fifth instalment I've got a soft spot for the whole bunch of characters in this series. It helps that the author is pretty good at writing the inner life of her characters that sometimes tugs at my heartstrings. The plot also moves along at a nice pace.It was refreshing to read another instalment of this series and like a tiny homecoming. Just not too much of it all at once, as I learned from experience when I tried reading the first four books almost one after another. Very sweet book, like all the Modern Witch books.Finally, a bit of diversity. Still not seeing witches of color, but we have crossed into the land of LGBT witches.Ms. Geary also touched on Aspberger's, giving to me what seemed to be a thoughtful approach. These books as a whole are very nice. They are well written and well edited. They flow well. Yeah, they are chock full o' action, but they tell a story and tell it well.The constant cookie talk does make it hard for this cookie addict to sit still and not get up and get a cookie, or 12.(Just a note: I haven't necessarily been reading these in order, but this is the first where Nell's husband is more than an allusion. I was glad to "see" him be loving and supportive, instead of just referred to as being loving and supportive.)
What do You think about A Different Witch (2012)?
My least favorite book of the series, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't good.