I’ll try to meet you there,” Tak said. I couldn’t promise anything, so I thanked him and hung up. My efforts to navigate Proper City via the bus had left me at the mercy of its every-twenty-minute schedule, and from a glance at the clock, I saw that I was between twenty-minute intervals. Besides that, I was now the temporary caretaker of one fluffy white bichon frise. I found Ivory’s leash in a kitchen drawer and clipped it on, grabbed a bag of dog food, and then locked up Shindig behind me. By the time I returned to Disguise DeLimit, the store was twelve minutes late in opening. A woman in a flowy floral dress and cowboy boots stood outside, staring into the windows at the sailor and South Pacific costumes. I said hello and unlocked the store while Ivory lifted his leg on the front of the building. The woman stepped over the small puddle and followed me inside. I flipped on the lights. The stockroom door was open the width of one cat.
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