SAID ALISDAIR to Hugh and he pointed to the grey cat—it belonged to David Collins—which was carrying a baby rabbit in its mouth across the railway line. It padded along, looking neither to right nor to left, its fat body heavy and smoky, as if it was filled with grey water. They followed it across the rusty rails, among the wet grass which left green threads on their sandals. It stopped and looked when it heard them approaching. They stared into its fathomless eyes which seemed so calm and deep and mysterious, like emeralds. The sun sparkled on the stones, there were berries on the trees. It was a morning of intent serenity, and through it as if through a picture the cat padded. Suddenly Alisdair began to run and Hugh ran after him. The cat scampered up the brae but the boys were close behind it. Alisdair began to pick up stones and throw them. The cat looked behind it again and sped onward. A stone hit it in the back and it winced. Alisdair ran ahead to cut off its progress, before it could reach David Collins’ house.