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Read A Gentle Murderer (1980)

A Gentle Murderer (1980)

Online Book

3.38 of 5 Votes: 3
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0839826508 (ISBN13: 9780839826507)
gregg press

A Gentle Murderer (1980) - Plot & Excerpts

A well-written, if rather ploddingly paced, procedural with one of those "likable and misunderstood" killers one step ahead of the cops.Tim Brandon's a poor woobikins who, from what I could gather, was out-and-out molested by his mom, hated by his dad for being a sissy poet, and has a real whore-madonna complex. When he's robbed of his illusions or think he's protecting virginal womanhood, he busts out his little hammer and goes to town on slutty skulls.After he bashes in the head of a call girl

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