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Read A Match Made On Madison (2007)

A Match Made on Madison (2007)

Online Book

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0312357842 (ISBN13: 9780312357849)
st. martin's griffin

A Match Made On Madison (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

Manhattan glitterati with a desire to find the perfect mate have a new champion in matchmaker Vanessa Carlson. With her fledgling business giving her biggest rival--friend and mentor Althea Sevalas--a run for her money, Vanessa's services are definitely a hot commodity. To prove once and for all who's the best matchmaker in town, Vanessa and Althea enter into a competition to see who can score downtown playboy Mark Grayson as their client and send him walking down the aisle. Once a winner is crowned in this very public endeavor, there will be no question as to who rules Manhattan's matrimonial mergers. But emotions often have a will of their own, and Vanessa learns that her rules don't always apply.

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