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Read A Night Of No Return (2012)

A Night of No Return (2012)

Online Book

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0373131046 (ISBN13: 9780373131044)

A Night Of No Return (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I love the flow of the story, Ms Morgan did it again. At first I hate Lucas because he is cold and heartless and then as the stories unfold, you can see how much he struggles to overcome the trauma for losing his precious daughter. I love Emma's dedication and her unconditional love towards her family and to Lucas she never back-out even how many time Lucas shut her away. I also love when Lucas friend Christiano make an effort to help Lucas cope and overcome his trauma trough his adorable little daughter Ella. I love it! it is very heartwarming and very touching :) Like this one, a lot of angst and we get to revisit Cristiano and Laurel. I kept wondering about his past so it did get me hooked. I love h's calm and no nonsense demeanor and giving heart. Though not sure how she suddenly realised she loved the H. H is understandably resistant to the romance, though with his pov also I was hoping he would have come around sooner than he did and do something more about it than the very brief final scene.

What do You think about A Night Of No Return (2012)?

i love your book unfortunatley i was not able to finish it because there wasnt a free copy online and im from zimbabwe shipment is just too expensive but i love love love the book

liked the story...loved both the characters...

very moving - a good read

3.5 stars


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