"A Peaceful Retirement", the last in the Fairacre series by Miss Read is, as always... a very peaceful novel, but not a soporific one. Miss Read, the schoolmistress of Fairacre, has retired and is busy organizing her newfound leisure. This character is the kind of person one would love to have as a friend: thoughtful, interesting, generous, and an expert in gentle satire. I adored this series, and especially appreciated the beautiful descriptions of nature through the seasons, the countryside of the past, in an English village, as seen through Miss Read's eyes. A genteel and pastoral 20th century social history.I would recommend the audiobooks, beautifully read, to anyone who wants a truly relaxing experience.
The Miss Read books are light, quick reads. She's been a school teacher in Fairacre for many years and teaching is her life's passion. But in this book, Miss Read has already had her retirement party, forced into it because of a slight stroke. She has recovered and is looking for a peaceful retirement, to rest, read, do a little gardening and enjoy life. This is a story about life and how it just takes over and happens and it's never exactly the way you planned. What seems like interuptions at first, actually become the pulse of her life's routine. I like Miss Read and I like this story of life in her English village.
What do You think about A Peaceful Retirement (2007)?
I read these in the wrong order. This is the last book in the Fairacre series and it's a lovely novel about Miss Read's retirement. As usual everyone is telling her what to do, and no one listens to her except John Jenkins who is in love with her and proposes to her every time he sees her, and she turns him down. She begins to find her way and finds a balance of activities and the solitude which she loves. A great book to read in the winter curled up in bed under a cozy quilt and a nice cup of tea. Lovely series!