Library copy, and a re-read. Felt like I'd been there before, but always enjoy her writing. This quote from page 152 sums it up well: "Sitting alone, in that classroom, with only the tick of the wall-clock and the faint shouts of my approaching pupils to be heard, I felt, perhaps more keenly than ever before, just what it means to be a villager-- someone whose welfare is of interest (sometimes of unwelcome interest) to one's neighbors -- but always to matter(italics). It was a warming thought -- to be part of a small living community, 'members one of another', so closely linked by ties of kinship, work, and the parish boundaries, that the supposed happiness of one elderly woman affected all." This book was published in 1957, half a century before the world of the internet and social media. There is something comforting in the reading of it, which one does not find in technology or wireless communication. I highly recommend this book, and all of Miss Read's books, of which there are many.
Historic Fiction FascinatingI am really enjoying this series. This one has the same warmth and cozy feel of the first in the series, although the focus is a bit different.This "slice of life" story looks at two transitions in postwar Britain, the change in small village life that took place, and the tug-of-war between modern education and the two-room schoolhouse. Miss Read's thoughts on these matters are compelling, and I found this to be a very interesting read.The only reason I'm marking this one lower is that there isn't as much focus on the children in this book, and that was what captured my emotions with the first novel.For some reason, the kindle edition misconstrued many words in this book, whereas book 1 seemed to be fairly free of errors. Specifically, the word luckily is continually munched, and all double "l's are converted to a d.The book is clean in terms of both intimacy and language.
What do You think about Village Diary (2007)?
I am really liking this series. This is the second book in the series. It is Miss Read's Diary about Village life and her place in it. I felt as if I was reading a Blog, but in a book written in 1957. It is divided in chapters: one for each month of the year. I can imagine writing such a journal myself. (Come to think of it, I did in 2000.) Miss Read has many interesting expressions that are new to me. They offer a new insight on old subjects...because, for one, this is set in a small English village and two, it takes place over 50 years ago. I can relate to the era, but not the second, I live in a medium-size city in the south central United States. I particularly loved these two offerings: " a source of joy to the 'child who is the father to the man'." and "I was very glad to climb into the sanctuary of my bed, and 'shelve life for nine hours'." I really have to wrap my mind around the first and can really understand the second! I only dream of lasting a full nine hours.
—Lynne Tull