I thought this book was great. However, once again, I feel as thought I've been cheated out of Trent's development. I figured he would evolve into a love interest but I was looking forward to his transformation, not his sudden change of character. Him being nice is pleasant and all that but it lacked satisfaction since we did not really see him develop. One moment he is hateful, the next, he is Trent, the person who trusted Rachel all along. Nevermind the numerous times he tried to kill her. Anyways, my favourite part of the book is Al and Rachel reconciling. Even though they had a very rocky start, they developed a friendship in their odd way. I felt sad last book when he rampaged over her death. I knew their friendship would be damaged when she eventually surfaced. I'm glad they were able to fix it. My least favourite part is whenever Ceri talked. I really dislike her. She is so uppity and yet every time she says something, Rachel comments that she is lovely. The book revolves around HAPA. There have been a series of murder around witches that carry the Rosewood Syndrome. A group has been killing witches and using their blood to invoke demon magic. They have been transforming them into fauns. The victims do not last long but they do last longer than their predecessor. Rachel had been called in by the I.S to confirm she is not the suspect. She was threatened to find the murderers or else risk being the scapegoat. She called in the F.I.B in since it was their jurisdiction. Little did she know, the top member is HAPA, and she had been releasing them every time they get caught. Rachel gets caught and gets trapped with Winona. Rachel's blood gets harvested and Winona gets transformed. They escape together. Trent meets them and takes them in. Winona stays with them as a nanny. They tried to catch HAPA again and succeed but Eloy escaped again. Rachel gave chase and got so badly beaten, they caught him but escaped again. When Trent contacted her, she came and they went to hunt him together. They encounter the secret group of people already at the scene. Rachel proposed to work together but they ended up doing everything themselves. They were hit with a memory block to erase the evening but both parties were prepared and safeguarded their memories. The book ends with Al charming Lucy and Ray. The book details a lot of mulling over Rachel's part. She has this silver bracelet that prevents her from tapping a ley line. Although she is notorious for her power, she actually really has none. It isn't until she is left completely helpless that she realizes what she has lost. When she got back to Trent, she had made up her mind to remove it and risk the demons knowing she is alive. I quite liked that Rachel came to accept her nature and that while her friends Ivy and Jenks seemed to be moving on to they are still a part of her life - she also has gained friends too, Trent being just that (if not something more) in this book and while there are a lot of answers yet to be answered (how to fix the everafter, who the men who do not belong?) The focus of the book was on Rachel and her helping herself to be herself -the witch demon - and finding out that friends and family still support her and that she can count on them even with the shunning stopped and opening her life to being all she is -including getting a Alpha Were tattoo! And she has gotten the pool table fixed so has perhaps put the tragedy with Kisten and her feelings of it as healing too.
What do You think about A Perfect Blood (2012)?
Not my favorite installment in the series, but it moves the overarching plot along nicely.
I can't believe how quickly I am just flying through this series. On to book 11 of 13!