A Pound Of Flesh: Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse - Plot & Excerpts
Directing his question at the general, Sergeant Hill asked, “Where did all of these people go... it’s like they just left their vehicles here and poof?” “Some stayed put,” Gaines said, indicating the many reachers and grabbers trapped in their glass and metal prisons. He swept his hand towards the countryside made up of scrub trees and red-brown hillocks. “The rest are out there somewhere, son. Waiting for us to slip up and become their dinner.” *** It chilled Wilson how the numbers of Zs began to increase exponentially the closer the slow moving convoy got to the interchange. Although nothing close to the hordes out of Denver, he couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the two, and judging by their stained and ratty clothes most of the shamblers appeared to be first turns that had already logged lots of miles on foot migrating from somewhere. “I have a question for you lady.” “Brook works for me,” she said sharply. Still kind of heated from the earlier Pug comment, she sat coiled, waiting for the wrong words to spew from the kid.
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