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Read A Thursday Next Digital Collection: Novels 1-5

A Thursday Next Digital Collection: Novels 1-5

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A Thursday Next Digital Collection: Novels 1-5 - Plot & Excerpts

Neanderthal Nation Neanderthals “of Use” at Politicians’ Training College Neanderthals, the reengineered property of the Goliath Corporation, found unexpected employment at the Chipping Sodbury College for Politicians yesterday when four selected individuals were inducted as part of the Public Office Veracity Economics class. Neanderthals, whose high facial-acuity skills make them predisposed to noticing an untruth, are used by students to hone their lying skills—something that trainee politicians might find useful once in a position of office. “Man, those thals can spot everything!” declared Mr. Richard Dixon, a first-year student. “Nothing gets past them—even a mild embellishment or a tactical omission!” The lecturers at the college declared themselves wholly pleased with the neanderthals and privately admitted that “if the proletariat were even half as good at spotting lies, we’d really be in the soup!”
Article in The Toad (political section), July 4, 1988      The hunt for At Long Last Lust had been going on all morning, but with little success.

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