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Jasper Fforde books

Jasper Fforde
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Read Books by Jasper Fforde


Yo, Jennifer Strange, la última cazadragones (2011)

This book was phenomenal. It takes a lot for me to say that. While I read this for a class, I will definitely be reading it again.Jasper Fforde used many different tactics that made this book for me. I felt like I could step out of my life and into the lives of his characters. It made me happy to...

Yo, Jennifer Strange, la última cazadragones (2011) by Jasper Fforde

The Song of the Quarkbeast (2013)

Jennifer Strange, non-magical manager of Kazam Mystical Arts, accepts a high-paying job for the firm to retrieve a ring that does not want to be found. They manage to pry it out from among the stones and spells at the bottom of a well, but Jennifer suspects their client is up to no good and refus...

The Song of the Quarkbeast (2013) by Jasper Fforde

The Return of Shandar (2014)

This one was way more exciting than the other two. Unlike the others, this one picked right up from the beginning and was clever and exciting all the way through. He comes up with such interesting characters and their interactions are clever and witty. I feel like I've been sucked into this wo...

The Return of Shandar (2014) by Jasper Fforde

The Eye of Zoltar (2014)

Another good book in the "Chronicles of Kazam" series that will challenge the reading level and imaginations of its audience.While this is a sequel to "The Song of the Quarkbeast" and a reader will probably more quickly lose themselves in the world if they've read one of the previous two books in...

The Eye of Zoltar (2014) by Jasper Fforde

One of Our Thursdays Is Missing (2011)

Not as good as The Eyre Affair Must read series for serious readers who also happen to like aburdist fantasies.

One of Our Thursdays Is Missing (2011) by Jasper Fforde

The Big Over Easy (2006)

Was it an EGGcident…or cold-yoked murder? When Humpty Dumpty, local businessman and infamous lothario, is found dead beneath a wall outside his Grimm’s Road apartment, Detective Jack Spratt of the Reading (pronounced Redding) Nursery Crime Division (NCD) is called in to investigate. Jack is a s...

The Big Over Easy (2006) by Jasper Fforde

The Fourth Bear (2006)

If you have not yet entered into the worlds as seen through the eyes of Jasper Fforde, then you are truly missing out on something remarkable. He does not see the world the way others see it. Underneath the norm he finds the absurd, and the normal seems abnormal while the odd seems commonplace an...

The Fourth Bear (2006) by Jasper Fforde

The Well of Lost Plots (2004)

The third installment in Jasper Fforde’s New York Times bestselling series follows literary detective Thursday Next on another adventure in her alternate reality of literature-obsessed EnglandJasper Fforde has done it again in this genre-bending blend of crime fiction, fantasy, and top-drawer lit...

The Well of Lost Plots (2004) by Jasper Fforde

Something Rotten (2005)

Utterly disappointing. Seriously.There is a fine line between satire and stupidity. Up until now Fforde has rode that line well, sometimes straying somewhat close but never crossing it. This book left the line 100 yards back after spitting on it. I honestly don't even know where to start in e...

Something Rotten (2005) by Jasper Fforde

Lost in a Good Book (2004)

An antagonist named Mr. Schitt-Hause. A 108 year-old woman who can't die until she has discovered and read the ten most boring classics (and who debates about what they are--I was elated when she mentioned Spencer's Faerie Queen and indignant when she named Milton's Paradise Lost and Richardson'...

Lost in a Good Book (2004) by Jasper Fforde

The Eyre Affair (2003)

Sadly, I found this book to be a major disappointment. I'm huge fan of British comedy and science fiction--Monty Python, Douglas Adams, Dr. Who, Neil Gaiman--and something of an autodidact lit geek, so this novel which promises the exploits of a special agent who has to travel into the novel Jane...

The Eyre Affair (2003) by Jasper Fforde

First Among Sequels (2007)

First Among Sequels is the fifth Thursday Next book, a book series which is impossibly to accurately sum up, because it’s so weird, and stubbornly resists classification (on purpose). I suppose in theory you could start reading the series with this book (after all, I had largely forgotten most of...

First Among Sequels (2007) by Jasper Fforde

Shades of Grey

No good ever comes of it—don’t.  The Munsell Book of Wisdom I pushed open the doors and walked inside. The library was large and open-plan, with a circular void in the upper floor from where light descended vertically. Dotted around were tables and chairs, and a few mirrors on stands, useful for ...

Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde

Fourth Bear

A Death in Obscurity     Last known regional post-code allocation: Obscurity, Berkshire, Pop.: 35. Spotted by an eagle-eyed official and allocated in April 1987, the post-code allocation (RD73 93ZZ) was a matter of such import among the residents of this small village that a modest ceremony and s...

Fourth Bear by Jasper Fforde

A Thursday Next Digital Collection: Novels 1-5

Neanderthal Nation Neanderthals “of Use” at Politicians’ Training College Neanderthals, the reengineered property of the Goliath Corporation, found unexpected employment at the Chipping Sodbury College for Politicians yesterday when four selected individuals were inducted as part of the Public Of...

A Thursday Next Digital Collection: Novels 1-5 by Jasper Fforde

The Last Dragonslayer

There was no sign of Gordon. Instead, sitting at the kitchen table and reading through The Dragonslayer’s Manual was a striking-looking man with a lantern jaw and long flowing blond hair. He looked up at me and smiled his best smile as I entered, rising politely to his feet. I knew who he was wel...

The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde

The Woman Who Died a Lot: A Thursday Next Novel

Many of them hideous and all dangerous. The hobby geneticists of twenty years ago had moved from the making of odd-looking pets in a garden shed to the work of a younger elite who called themselves “Gene Hackmen.” They’d make anything for kicks and giggles, and generally did. Famously, FunBoy-6 b...

The Woman Who Died a Lot: A Thursday Next Novel by Jasper Fforde

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