And obviously Mrs. Shewchuk had forgotten about the deal she made with my mother, because she let me go out. It figured Stephanie and Emma had been to a summer running camp at the University of Alberta and were training with the Tornadoes. At first I thought they said tomatoes, and I couldn’t figure out why anyone would train with tomatoes. Stephanie said it was the best running club in Edmonton, but she says that about everything she does. She has the best violin teacher, dance teacher and acting teacher. She was almost in a commercial for McDonald’s when she was six because she was the best actress, but they wanted a kid with brown hair, not strawberry blond. But of course, her hair was the best strawberry blond. Lucy and I headed for the door with Kelsey and Miranda on either side of us. “Do you think people believe Stephanie when she says everything she does is the best?” I asked as we stepped outside. “Only people who don’t know her well enough to know better,” Kelsey said.