Inhalt:Bianca und Lucas mussten sich aufgrund ihrer unterschiedlichen Lebensweisen trennen, doch die beiden finden immer wieder einen Weg zusammen. Als Bianca eine fremde Vampirin trifft und Balthasar davon erfährt, unterstützt der alte Vampir die Ausflüge von Bianca und was sie herausfinden birgt größere Gefahren als angenommen …Stil:Ich bin wohl immer noch nicht bei “Evernight” angekommen, aber zumindest spricht Nana Spier nicht mehr so obszön und das Hören wird angenehm. Die Charaktere haben sich leider nicht weiterentwickelt, es ist ein Spagat zwischen grauer Maus und Heldin bzw. Maus und Held. Die Geschichte wurde nun auch noch durch Geister erweitert – was denn (?) reichen Mensch und Vampir nicht aus?!Charaktere:Bianca ist und bleibt mir unverständlich und damit unsympathisch. Wie kann man jemanden lieben, der die eigene Familie auslöschen will bzw mit Leuten verkehrt, die dies tun wollen?!Lucas verstehe ich auch nicht, ich denke er liebt seine Bianca und dann tut er ihr dies an? Die komische Rivalität zu Balthasar verstehe ich ebenfalls nicht.Balthasar hat mir bereits im ersten Teil gefallen, er scheint der einzige zu sein der nachdenkt und sich bemüht rational zu handeln – gerne mehr!Cover:Das Cover ist mir immer noch unverständlich und warum jetzt lila?!Fazit:Die Geschichte bleibt langweilig. Die Stimme von Nana Spier ist nicht mehr so lasziv, sodass das Hören angenehm ist, daher gibt es von mir 3 Sterne. Eine Hörempfehlung spreche ich aber immer noch nicht aus, ggf. überzeugen mich die nächsten Teile.Teil 1 muss nicht gehört / gelesen werden um diesen zu verstehen. Es gibt genügend Wiederholungen und Erläuterungen zu Personen, Schauplätzen oder Verhaltensweisen. Hey there fellow Evernight readers! Just finished Stargazer and it was definitely better than Evernight by far! In Evernight, if you read my review, I complained that I thought it was rather boring through most of the book and blah blah blah. :D Unlike Evernight, Stargazer was eventful and interesting throughout the whole book! (Thank goodness!) We find out that there are wraiths in Evernight Academy, Bianca finds herself entangled in lies, has been sneaking around in clandestine rendezvous, and even had some weird vampiric sexual incidents. :D (I thought the moment with Balthazar was totally weird :D I was trying to focus on such an intense scene, but I couldn't. I was alone, and I was awkwardly laughing to myself hysterically. Like, what am I reading? :D ) I totally enjoyed this book though, despite Bianca being a crappy heroine. I don't like it when authors have this weak, female character. In the story, Bianca is a vampire but she is definitely not a role model, and she is really selfish. I love the books that have inspiring and brave female roles like Katniss in The Hunger Games and Beatrice in Divergent. This isn't the best series I've read, but it's a good, interesting read. :)
What do You think about Adicción (2009)?
I would love to tell you that I finished this book signing with contented joy... but I didn't! I finished it screaming mentally in agony!!! "NOOOOO!!! You're making the worst mistake EVER!!!" I want to tell you that I loved this book and I guess I in the end, when I look back on it, I will say that it is engaging and well written. That it grabs you and holds on tight taking you with it on a roller coaster of emotions! Isn't that what we love about good books??? BUT, and for me it's a HUGE BUT, it didn't end with sunshine and roses, all tied up in a neat bow like I wanted it to. I'm a bit emotionally wounded right now. ;-)I'll be picking up books 3 and 4 today from the library - I REALLY hope they are available because I'm afraid the wait for them might kill me! ;-)I am so enjoying this my year of firsts (My vow to read as many new-to-me authors as I can this year as I can!) The only unforeseen consequence is that so far almost all of the books have been the first in a SERIES, thus meaning I have to then read the ENTIRE series because the firsts have been so good! LOL! I'm truly loving it! :-DHappy Reading! :-)XXOO~Hope
Wow ! There were so many surprises in this novel that it was dizzyingly crazy. Twists and turns galore. But no complaint's here. It was very fast paced, hang on by the tips of your fingers kind of ride. Bianca is growing up fast, well at least emotionally. She's more fierce and tends to be less on the I want to be constantly babied side. She's also has on heck of a wild streak in this novel.And her love life....sheesh what a mess....On one side you have Lucas ( vampire hunter/ boyfriend of a vampire ) if that isn't confusing then I don't know what is. He's been through hell and back and it makes you love him even more. But man can he be a total jerk at times too.Then on the other side you have Balthazar, Vampire, sinfully gorgeous and has a crush on Bianca.What more can I say , than these events lead to some interesting things.....Vampires , ghosts , romance and teenage hormones... what more could you ask for in a paranormal ya novel. Don't miss out on book 2 of the Evernight series