They’d been figuring out what to put in the contract, and now they were giving it the final read through. Fintan had pointed out many things she’d never have even considered. On some Adira had questioned him, some she’d even argued over, but in the end they’d come up with a pretty solid contract. Fin suggested doing it as a trial for six months, then revisiting it again to make changes and adjustments. Not that he wanted her to bottle up any problems, of course, or so he’d made it abundantly clear. If the contract, or some portion of it, wasn’t working for her he wanted her to tell him. Just as he’d talk to her about anything he found not to be working as it should be. A partnership was how he’d put it, a term Adira liked. They would be bonded, but it would be even more than that. Fin assured her that he wanted their relationship to be a full and true partnership. While he had some relatively strict rules for when they were in public, some of them being Craegin laws, in private he had proven he was willing to be a little more lenient.