I'm going to do a combined review for all the remaining Thrush Green books (with the exception of Christmas) because although they are all excellent, they are also all basically the same, in the way that episodes of The Archers are all the same. So, still worth reading; but hard to differentiate one book from another. The attraction comes from seeing the seasons ebb and flow, and picking up the stories of the characters. There are changes - characters die, babies are born, houses are built, newcomers arrive, people retire, fall ill and/or become increasingly eccentric. There is no reference to events in the outside world - the importance is attached to events in the local community. And those events are rarely dramatic (this isn't Midsomer). They are real.Anybody who is considering relocating to a village should read these books to get an idea of what they would be moving to. And anybody who thinks these books are unrealistic, or sentimental, has either never lived in a village, or didn't join in properly when they did!
"In Affairs at Thrush Green, Miss Read continues the fortunes of the Thrush Green families whom we last met in Gossip from Thrush Green. Here we follow the kindly vicar, Charles Henstock, to neighboring Lulling, after his home burned to the ground at the end of the earlier novel. Going to a new church is never easy, even in the best of times; indeed, poor Dr. Henstock encounters some very redoubtable females in Lulling. A full-scale power struggle erupts oer the question of kneeling cushions for the Lady chapel, and other difficulties revolve around the crotchety old sexton, Albert Piggott."Meanwhile, a mysterious stranger arrives at the Fushia Bush cafe, and its rivalry with the Two Pheasants becomes more acute. One knows, however, that Miss Read will make all come right in the end."~~back coverAnd that is exactly the charm of these books: all will come right in the end. There are sometimes sad happenings, but there are never horrific, violent, cruel happeneing. Which is such a comfort.
What do You think about Affairs At Thrush Green (2002)?
As she follows the lives of the Thrust Green inhabitants, Miss Read reminds us that even in the quaintest, quietest of villages, life can be full of excitement. The rector's battle with several stubborn and selfish parish women; the marital problems experienced by Albert Piggott, whose wife has recently returned, and Percy Hodge, who can't seem to find satisfaction with his own new wife; the blossoming romance between Dotty's niece and a newcomer to the village; and many other small and large upheavals in the lives of the villagers all serve to remind us of how full life can be, even when lived on a smaller, simpler scale. As always, Miss Read fills the pages of this book with humor, heart and pure goodness, leaving the reader deeply satisfied at the conclusion. I always enjoy a trip to Thrush Green and this one was no exception.
Arriving in Utah with 3 books on my Nook, I promptly dropped it while in the midst of grandmother chores. The poor Bronte sisters faces bled into the background. Although I have precious little reading time here as I supervise 3 boys ages 3 and under, I was desperate for a book. Being somewhat a Luddite, I nevertheless was sure I could figure out how to read a book from my phone. Sure enough I conquered technology and what did I turn to in my hour of need? Thrush Green, of course! This volume was delightful. A new character or two. The return of the infamous Nelly Piggott. All in all, the exact balm at the end of very busy days here.