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Read Against All Enemies (2011)

Against All Enemies (2011)

Online Book

3.94 of 5 Votes: 1
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0399157301 (ISBN13: 9780399157301)
Putnam Adult

Against All Enemies (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

Thought I needed to have a dose of Tom Clancy. Really didn't like this....everyone involved in all the operations are killed...except for the hero...former navy seal and one undercover spy who is sleeping with the Head of the Drug Cartel's I'm sure she will be the hero's love interest in a future novel. Some of it had some twists....but just gory blood baths over and over again..... This is definitely not Tom Clancy, but still a good thriller. Two major stories going on here. The drug cartel wars in Mexico and thwarting another 9/11 attack by middle eastern terrorists in the US. Eventually the stories collide. Clancy is looking to introduce a new character, Max Moore, for his own series. I liked him, unfortunately Clancy's death probably saw the death of Moore too. All in all, this book kept me interested, and I enjoyed it.

What do You think about Against All Enemies (2011)?

Good read. Been awhile since I read a Clancy book. Was not disappointed.

To be fair, I couldn't finish it. Not well written.

A light read in the Clancy style. OK but not great.

Not Clancy's best work


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