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Read Against Her Will (Dragon's Lair)

Against Her Will (Dragon's Lair)

Online Book

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Blushing Books Publications

Against Her Will (Dragon's Lair) - Plot & Excerpts

But she was young and naïve and in love, and she trusted her fiancé. She blinked at the text message on her phone, blushed, giggled, and made up her mind. If Luke wanted a night of fun, she would be delighted to make it happen. Staid Luke had never given her more than a chaste kiss or two, but perhaps she could lure him into some petting. Heavy petting, if she were lucky. She didn’t want to become the world’s first twenty-three-year-old virgin on her next birthday.
    “Good night! See you tomorrow!” The five-foot-six blonde tossed her curls and laughed as she waved to her office mates. A completely inappropriate and unprofessional wolf whistle greeted her announcement, but Sarah pretended not to have heard. She was young, fit, and curvy in all the right places. Whistles were part of her daily life.
    “Can’t wait to get home?” Becky, the secretary—or rather, the administrative assistant—laughed. “Pretty soon you and Luke will be an old married couple, watching television in separate rooms.”

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