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Read Airlock (2014)

Airlock (2014)

Online Book

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Bloomsbury Publishing

Airlock (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

The nine survivors of the Berners-Lee were sitting on raised stretchers, wrapped in blankets and being attended to by medics.
A van drew up and a TV news team piled out. They barged their way through the crowd of onlookers and approached Commander Ferguson, camera and microphone pointed in his direction.
“Get out of my face!” he growled.
The news team did a smart U-turn and looked for someone else to interview. Mr Snodbury spotted them, and moved aside the nurse who was seeing to the scratches on his forehead.
“Over here!” he called.
The news team descended upon him like a flock of vultures.
“Can you tell us your name?” gushed the reporter, holding a microphone under Mr Snodbury’s nose. “How do you feel? What happened on the Berners-Lee? How did you feel?”
Mr Snodbury looked over at George and his friends for a moment, then took a deep breath. “My name is Snodbury. What happened was that I deliberately sabotaged the space station. I caused the deaths of most of its crew, and the destruction of the station itself.

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