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Read All The Way Home And All The Night Through

All the Way Home and All the Night Through

Online Book

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Soho Press

All The Way Home And All The Night Through - Plot & Excerpts

On the screen two men were fighting each other.
    “I’ve always been honest with you. You always said to me that I must be honest with you, whatever happened.”
    Far down below us, an usherette was leaning against the rail of the balcony, chewing at the end of her torch.
    “I can’t explain it, don’t ask me to. Please. Please, no, don’t do that. Can’t you see that’s useless?”
    Laughter and joy rose up from the front rows of the stalls as an actor was knocked down. A trolley bus went by out in the street, its sound and rattle muffled by the damp outside and the warmth within. A man, sitting lower down the circle, woke up, looked round, and got up to leave. The usherette didn’t move.
    “It won’t work anymore, things have changed. I’m sorry. Perhaps, oh, I don’t know. . .”
    She turned away from me and stared at the screen, absently, miserably.

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