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Read All This Life

All This Life

Online Book

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Soft Skull Press

All This Life - Plot & Excerpts

“People sit in this every day,” Sara says. “Can you imagine?”
This isn’t the Golden Gate; it’s the Bay Bridge. They’re waiting in line at a toll plaza, trying to get into San Francisco. The traffic is bumper to bumper, even though it isn’t rush hour. It’s late morning. It’s the day after they spent all night together, naked in bed. Nothing sexual, but something did happen: Sara feels better. Rodney did that, and she’s not going to forget it. This is the calmest she’s felt since Nat posted their video.
They got a late jump this morning because of his injured foot. Something’s either broken or sprained badly in there. Rodney isn’t telling her much about it. He’s written his mom’s old address down on a piece of paper, and every time Sara suggests they go to the ER for an x-ray, he waves the address around.
After holding him hostage in the motel room for four days, she can’t badger him about the doctor. It’s his foot. All she can do is get him to San Francisco to see if they can find her, though Sara knows this won’t work.

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