All Too Human: A Political Education - Plot & Excerpts
He and Hillary wanted a quiet family night after their annual visit to Renaissance Weekend — a gathering of credentialed baby boomers who flew to Hilton Head every New Year's for earnest talk and energetic networking. Once they were settled in their suite with Chelsea and her choice of movie rentals, I went out for a walk. The warm salted breeze and the gaslights guarding the turn-of-the century town houses by the bay connected me to another time. But I was thinking about the year ahead. Things were looking good. Not only were we succeeding, but our rivals were stumbling. Cuomo was out, and Wilder would soon follow. Nobody took Tsongas seriously yet, and Harkin signaled that he wasn't a serious threat by taking a two-week vacation in the Caribbean. Jerry Brown was still a joke, and Kerrey had been hampered by a staff coup, weak fund-raising, and the revelation that he didn't provide health insurance to employees at the fitness centers he owned — a devastating charge given that the senator was trying to make universal health care the signature issue of his campaign.
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