LovettThere are things so pervasively important to people that it's hard to define their essence....Seattle, 2010I sit in the park, watching children play. I imagine their packs swinging as, earlier, they'd sprinted home from school, glad to be released into a spring afternoon. Later, dinner will be clanking silverware and gulps of milk. Then it'll be study time and bath time, with bedtime stories and goodnight kisses, reassurances in the hall as the light's left on. But for now, it's slides and jungle gyms, softball and tag.It wasn't like I didn't know what I was doing when I chose the tenure track over the baby track. In the sciences, twice as many women as men are divorced or permanently single. But I'd always figured I'd be one who beat the odds. After all, I was dedicating my career to studying love, or at least the neurochemistry behind it. Think serotonin, norepinephrine, estrogen, testosterone—hormones with forms like snowflakes looking for matching snowflake-receptors in the brain.