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Read And Manny Makes Seven (2014)

And Manny Makes Seven (2014)

Online Book

3.64 of 5 Votes: 1
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1610408403 (ISBN13: 9781610408400)
torquere press, inc.

And Manny Makes Seven (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Petty? Not sure... But I couldn't find it to verify but I didn't think Hutch was thirty five! I thought he was still in twenties! AND he's never evvveeerr done anal in any way receive OR give? Busy with the nanniness yeah but THAT busy?Besides that... I don't know.. it's kind of... boring? Like there doesn't seem to be a 'catch' ya know? Like Adam just inherited the house from his BFF but there's never a deal with the loss time. He's uncomfortable but no major breakdown. And I just didn't feel like they were at the I'm in Love stage when they said they loved each other. Ok so sweet and mostly uncomplicated but this definitely isn't following the pizazz of the first book for me either. It was an uncomplicated read that was enjoyable but that's basically it. I'm pretty sure that Sean Michael either has a split personality OR is two different people. One Sean Michael creates sweet stories involving love and family while the other creates books about sex. The two versions of the author don't normally appear in the same book. This time, they did. The first half of this book was full of cute (almost TOO cute) family moments involving the kiddies. The second half of the book was taken over by the sex author. It went too far in the opposite direction. I basically skimmed until the end. I wanted to love this the same way that I did the previous Mannies Incorporated books. It just didn't happen for me this time.

What do You think about And Manny Makes Seven (2014)?

Nice, sweet, no angst, slow burn read. Full of sugar but not saccharin. Loved it!

This was a little hum drum compared to the first in the series...

2.5 stars

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