Six-thirty was getting earlier and earlier every morning. It seemed the harder she tried to go to bed by ten, the more reasons there were to stay up. Deanna and Karen were like windup dolls with flapping jaws, always talking about what they’d done that day, where they’d gone, what they’d seen. Like she was interested in old missions and hiking out on some point to see seals. What good was that kind of thing going to do them when they got home? At least she’d have money to show for the time she was there. “Late night?” Paul asked. They’d been riding together for almost two weeks, and he obviously took that to mean he had a right to ask questions. “Bad weed does that to me sometimes.” “Yeah, me too.” She shot him a sideways glance. There was no way Paul Williams’s lips ever sucked on grass. “Maybe you could hook me up with someone who has a better stash.” His answer was too slow to be believable. “My guy’s out of town.” She laughed. “Probably visiting my brother.”