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Read Answered Prayers (2015)

Answered Prayers (2015)

Online Book

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0552148547 (ISBN13: 9780552148542)
corgi books

Answered Prayers (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

Reading through the first couple sentences of some of the reviews of this book proved to be interesting. One I read said that Steel repeated so many things, another said that Steel never wrtes in a strong female and that they'll neer read another Danielle Steel book again.Sure, there were things repeated, but I'd hardly call it incessant. Honestly, I'd rather read a book where its author reminds the reader of something in brief sentences instead of reading one with contradictions. As far as Steel never writing a strong female into her books, I haven't the foggiest. I have no frame of reference. This is the first book by this author that I've read.But,I found the main character, Faith Madison, to be braver than she saw herself, strong in her resolve with how to handle the drama that surrounds her (which she strays from at times, but who hasn't in real life?), and logical if not a bit naive.Faith Madison has been married to her husband Alex for over 20 years, and they have two daughters; Zoe and Eloise. Eloise has always been closer to her father and will defend him on impulse, while Zoe will do that for their mother. Alex, as I made clear in my status updates, is a character I loved to hate. He's not the kind of man I could be with. Especially with his -- to put it bluntly -- childish and ridiculous reaction to his wife's idea of going back to school. She'd been a housewife for over two decades, both of their girls were out of the house, so of course she'd wanna do something with her life.As a side story, Faith's stepfather passed away and the book begins with his funeral at a Presbyterian church. At the funeral, a long lost friend shows up to pay his respects, which surprises Faith. The long lost friend, Brad, had been her brother Jack's friend first, but had grown fond of one another, much like brother and sister, because of it. Jack unfortunately dies in a plane crash. His death, as well as her stepfather Charles', brings Brad back into her life.Brad lives in San Francisco, and Faith lives in New York. Alex is distant with Faith, and Brad and his wife Pam haven't really been close for years. Pretty much stayig together for the kids and the comfortableness of living together.It was a fascinating read, and I loved how Steel wasn't afraid to bring the Catholic church and prayer into the mix. Five out of Five stars.Oh, and I will be reading , ore of her books. I hope they made of movie of this.

يعنى أنا دخلت للـ النسخة الانجليزية بتاعة أم الرواية دى و قولت لأ رأيى لازم يبقى فى مكانه الصح بالنسبة ان النسخة اللى حصلت عليها كانت مترجمة "أه أنا أحب أطلع على ثقافة الغرب مترجمة برضه ^^ " .. المهم يعنى قولت أنا أقول رأيى فى المكان اللى في النسخة العربية .. أوم ايه ألاقى كل الناس كاتبن رأيهم بالانجلش! .. اؤمورونى بقى > < .. طيب يلا .. بس افتكروا انكم اللى اضطرتونى لكده :DIt's an interesting story based on true friendship and complicated marital status, According to "Alex" who was the most foolish and selfish man I have ever seen, he reminds me of the Patriarchal society that women were suppressed by men . "faith" was an example of a typical Victorian woman who let "Alex" dominate her, but by the end she realized that she deserve another chance to have a better life away from the hell who is called "Alex" .ايش هتكلم ايش هتكلم :D .. المهم بقى انى قعدت طول الرواية أتفقد أى أثر يدلنى عن ليه الرواية اسمها صلوات مستجابة و ملقتوش غير فى أخر صفحة و من الجدير بالذكر انى اذكره .._ لقد دعوت من أجل هذا طوال فترة غيابك._ من أجل ماذا دعوتى ؟ _ من أ<ل الحكمة و الشجاعة . فقد دعوت طلبا للحكمة لآعرف ما على فعله و للشجاعة لآفعل ذلك ..لأ بجد رواية عميقة كده فى معناها و هيوحشنى أوى الأحداث المشينة اللى كان بيعملها البايخ "أليكس" و ردود الفعل الباردة اللى كانت بتقابلها بيها التنحه "فيث"

What do You think about Answered Prayers (2015)?

In Danielle Steel's Answered Prayers, she told us about story about opening your heart and following your dreams. For Faith Madison, she had a life most people could envy in New York. With raising two grown daughters and married to a successful banker, she carried a deep secret and haven't divulged it to anyone, even one painful one she kept on herself. Her childhood was once marred by tragedy. At the funeral of her step-father, she was reunited by her late brother's best friend, Brad Patterson. They once met each other at her brother Jack's funeral years ago and reminisced about happy memories. .. and later lost touch, due to busy lives and hectic careers. As soon as he re-entered her life, Brad, a lawyer from California, she made a tough decision that could through her marriage to Alex in crisis... to go to law school and have a career of her own. Her only solace was emails to Brad, who was stuck in an empty marriage of her own, when the emails flew between them, bridging then many miles away. They rediscovered each other in their newly found friendship as Brad would find the courage to do something he should've done years ago. Faith found the courage to believe herself and to open her heart to divulge the secret she kept all her life.

I completely agree! I was beginning to get irritated with all the repitition! I read her book "Star" which was awesome (my first book of Steel) I thought it would be more like that...Very disappointed!
—Chelsea garland

I loved the ending and how Brad went to Faith with a surprise proposal (also cute that she wanted to brush her teeth before kissing him). I hated Alex – throughout the whole book! He was such an A$$! Eloise was the older daughter but with a shallow character – believing all her father said was true, without even hearing both sides. Zoe is the best daughter a mom could ask for!Summary : Alex and Faith were married for 26 years and had 2 daughters, Eloise and Zoe. Their marriage was “cold” – just

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