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Read Arcadian's Asylum

Arcadian's Asylum

Online Book

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Gold Eagle

Arcadian's Asylum - Plot & Excerpts

He should have figured that this would happen, but in his relief to be free of the horrors he had seen, he didn’t think beyond getting out of this sector as quickly as possible.
    The clean lines and tidy surrounds of the buildings took on a sinister mien when considering what went on behind those blank windows, and it was with a shudder that Doc allowed himself to be led away. The sec party surrounded him, so that he was enclosed on all sides by black-clad men armed with blasters.
    The sector in which he had found himself was one that was unnaturally quiet. Distant sounds echoed across the early morning skies, but the area in which they walked was silent. “As the grave” was a phrase that popped unbidden into Doc’s head as he walked. The sec men had resisted all attempts at conversation, leaving him with nothing but his thoughts. And they were poor company, returning as they did to the things he had seen. The bland facades of the buildings in this sector now resembled nothing so much as mausoleums to his troubled vision.

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