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James Axler books

James Axler

Read Books by James Axler


Damnation Road Show (2003)

In the ruins of a nuke-shattered America, eerie remnants of preDark times linger as a traveling road show gives new meaning to the word chilling. Facing tremendous odds, Ryan and his warrior group challenge this wandering death merchant and his army of circus freaks. But no one is aware that a st...

Damnation Road Show (2003) by James Axler

Skydark Spawn (2003)

A dark and Brooding land hungrily awaits the next generation...BLIND FORTITUDE Survival in America's nuke-blasted frontier is both a curse and a salvation for Ryan Cawdor and his warrior companions. Though the basic needs of existence must be fought for and won with blood -- each day alive means ...

Skydark Spawn (2003) by James Axler

Cannibal Moon (2007)

POUND OF FLESH In the hostile new world of postnuclear America, there are many ways to die, but few are clean or quick. Long ago Ryan Cawdor and his band threw in their lot together--to do or die trying. It was a pact sealed in blood, one of selflessness and sacrifice that put a premium on the va...

Cannibal Moon (2007) by James Axler

Atlantis Reprise (Altered States, #2) (2005)

After the dust settles from the Great Rebellion, Owen Deathstalker and Hazel D'Arc find themselves working as bounty hunters for the tentative new democratic government, chasing down war criminals from the old emperor, while still struggling with the nature of their mysterious powers derived from...

Atlantis Reprise (Altered States, #2) (2005) by James Axler

Salvation Road (2005)

FIRE BORNTortured into existence by a nuclear conflagration, the new frontier of a ravaged America is an ordeal only the most intrepid can endure. Pockets of civilization have emerged, some born of will and hope, while others are breeding grounds for tyranny and madness. Ryan Cawdor and his warri...

Salvation Road (2005) by James Axler

Devil Riders (Scorpion God, #1) (2003)

Judgment day has come and gone. Now only the strongest survive. Law of the Lawless A century after the nuclear conflagrating almost destroyed the world, humanity endures in a lawless land. Those who inhabit Deathlands are either killers or those who would be killed. But an elite few defy the laws...

Devil Riders (Scorpion God, #1) (2003) by James Axler

Remember Tomorrow (2007)

SAVAGE NEW WORLD After twenty-first-century America exploded in the chaos of a nuclear nightmare, a raw new landscape emerged, a world where death and dreams clash. Still, the best of the human spirit endures: the hope, the will to survive. But so does the worst: the greed, tyranny, the easy de...

Remember Tomorrow (2007) by James Axler

Sky Raider (2007)

Raw courage and knowledge of the arcane secrets of preDark technology have enabled Ryan Cawdor and his warrior companions to live and roam a land tortured--but not destroyed--by apocalyptic madness. In a world where the price of living is paid in flesh and blood, nothing is ever free, not even de...

Sky Raider (2007) by James Axler

Sunspot (2007)

BELLY OF THE BEASTIn the wake of a nuclear Armageddon, the hellscape of Deathlands conspires to torment strong and weak alike, festering most deeply in those who still possess the deepest core of human decency. Now the past lies in the ashes, while the mysteries of the future unfold in the hands ...

Sunspot (2007) by James Axler

Shaking Earth (2004)

- James Axler's Deathlands series has entertained readers for 18 years and remains the top-performing series within the Gold Eagle imprint.

Shaking Earth (2004) by James Axler

Death Hunt (2004)

- The Deathlands line boasts almost 4 million copies in print and is the top-performing line within the Gold Eagle imprint.

Death Hunt (2004) by James Axler

Breakthrough (2002)

Deathlands is a living hell, but one place is even worse: a parallel Earth where the atomic mega-cull never happened. Now the ruler of this Otherworld Earth and her genetically engineered female force have invaded Deathlands, which offers a ready supply of slaves and raw energy. It is up to Ryan ...

Breakthrough (2002) by James Axler

Bloodfire (Scorpion God, #2) (2003)

The Amazon Basin remains a land of primoridal beauty and primitive people. Ryan Cawdor and his band of warrior survivalists emerge from a gateway into an abandoned U.S. military complex, now a native shrine to the white gods of pre-blast days. Here the group is given royal treatment, only to disc...

Bloodfire (Scorpion God, #2) (2003) by James Axler

Hellbenders (2004)

By far, the worst Deathlands title I have yet read. Imagine a 352 page novelization of an uninteresting 30-page comic book. Everything a character thinks: they say. Every thing the characters do outside of the toilet is described in mind-numbing detail. Each environmental detail is noted, every f...

Hellbenders (2004) by James Axler

Shadow Fortress (The Skydark Chronicles, #3) (2001)

Forged from the Ruins A planet ravaged by the apocalyptic blast of 2001 gave birth to a new world of savagery — and a new breed of hero. In a land where violence rules with absolute authority, Ryan Cawdor and his wayfarer survivalists roam the strange, nascent twenty-second century, living by the...

Shadow Fortress (The Skydark Chronicles, #3) (2001) by James Axler

Judas Strike (The Skydark Chronicles, #2) (2005)

A nuclear endgame played out among the superpowers created a fiery cataclysm that turned America into a treacherous new frontier. But an intrepid group of warrior survivalists roams the wastelands, unlocking the secrets of a pre-dark world. Ryan Cawdor and his band have become living legends in a...

Judas Strike (The Skydark Chronicles, #2) (2005) by James Axler

Sunchild (2001)

In the ruins of nuke-ravaged Seattle, Ryan Cawdor and his warrior companions come face-to-face with the Illuminated Ones, a secret order whose knowledge foretold the end of the world. Recognizing that the true power rests in the hands of the baron's insane wife, Ryan and his group seek to shift t...

Sunchild (2001) by James Axler

Perdition Valley (The Coldfire Project, #2) (2006)

Shattered ContinentJourneying across the devastated frontier of the postnuclear America, Ryan Cawdor and his companions have unlocked clandestine knowledge of the preDark tech, secrets that give them an edge for staying alive, an edge augmented by an ability to fight...and win. Each day brings a ...

Perdition Valley (The Coldfire Project, #2) (2006) by James Axler

Immortal Twilight

Light and nippy though the car was, the Turbo had a heavy engine. Brigid was counting on that—once it began to roll, it would keep going.     Another crimson beam of energy cut the air before her, blasting just six inches in front of the windshield and casting the whole interi...

Immortal Twilight by James Axler

Arcadian's Asylum

He should have figured that this would happen, but in his relief to be free of the horrors he had seen, he didn’t think beyond getting out of this sector as quickly as possible.     The clean lines and tidy surrounds of the buildings took on a sinister mien when considering wh...

Arcadian's Asylum by James Axler

Tainted Cascade

The companions were glad they had smoked the rabbits as they found a lot less game—only a couple of scrawny prairie chickens and a gopher. The reason for the lack of wildlife was soon abundantly clear when wispy streaks of salty sand extended into the greenery like the bony fingers of a corpse. B...

Tainted Cascade by James Axler

Deathlands 117: Desolation Angels

Mildred heard Ryan yell.From his tone of voice she knew something bad had happened. She turned, feeling sick fear in her gut. That last shot had sounded shatteringly loud, meaning it had been fired from nearby.Mildred stopped, turned and saw Doc reeling, a hand clapped to the side of his head. Bl...

Deathlands 117: Desolation Angels by James Axler

God War

“What the hell...?” Brewster began.     Several hundred yards ahead of them, they could clearly see dark smoke billowing from the single-story structure where Cerberus had set up its temporary home. The smoke was thick and black, and orange tongues of flame danced within the p...

God War by James Axler

Storm Breakers

B. Dix in the ass with authority. It whacked his shoulders a moment later. And last the back of his head cracked against dirt as hard as the fist that had put him on it.     “Your asses are mine,” he croaked through puffy lips. He tasted blood, which pretty well had to be his ...

Storm Breakers by James Axler

Reality Echo (2010)

Even before he opened his eyes, Kane was familiar with the effects of having been knocked out, and the unique sensation of being suspended by his ankles, upside down. The Cerberus explorer had become inured enough to no longer vomit every time he regained consciousness, though he had been struck ...

Reality Echo (2010) by James Axler

Terminal White (2014)

It had been five hours since anyone from CAT Alpha had made contact. In itself, this was not unusual—a field mission might see an agent out of touch for an extended period. However, what made it a source of worry for all concerned was the fact that the biolink transponders had ceased to register,...

Terminal White (2014) by James Axler

Desolation Crossing

felt. As he swam to the surface of consciousness, breaking the wave with a feeling that he was going to puke, J.B. couldn’t see a thing. The first ripple of panic said that his eyes had been damaged, and that his vision was screwed. Maybe it was because of his glasses, but that was always the fir...

Desolation Crossing by James Axler

Distortion Offensive

Kane snapped out in a harsh whisper, taking another step into the vast hall with Brigid just a pace behind him. But before Kane and Brigid could venture farther into the busy church hall, several more people stepped from the ranks of the queuing locals and brought arms out from the hiding places ...

Distortion Offensive by James Axler

Palaces of Light

More than that, he had no notion of how it could have gone on for so long.     Or did it? The whole thing could have taken days, months, years, perhaps. It had the unreal sense of time that happened with dreams. How long had those coldhearts actually been in the ville? If he t...

Palaces of Light by James Axler

Doom Helix

The grime caked on the big man’s face made his eyeballs and teeth appear much whiter than they were, as if he was peering out from behind a mask. He wore filthy bib-front overalls, a holed-out khaki T-shirt and battered, unlaced boots. His blinding reek reminded Ryan of a bear pit in midsummer. I...

Doom Helix by James Axler

End Day

ESU leader, Thomas Holmes, stood by his side, in an all-black combat outfit, bristling with holstered and shoulder-slung weapons and communications gear.     “That door looks like something off a fucking submarine,” Holmes said.     It did. That was exactly...

End Day by James Axler

Scarlet Dream

A moment earlier, one’s life was a restful dream, then suddenly it had turned into a bewildering nightmare, colored only by one’s need to vomit. Almost doubled over, Kane took deep breaths as he stood in the mat-trans chamber that he and his companions had materialized in an instant before. His h...

Scarlet Dream by James Axler

Prophecy (2010)

That was how long Mildred and J.B. rode with the tribesmen before they reached the cluster of wigwams and tepees that defined the tribal ville. During that time, they had learned very little of who their traveling companions were, and why they had been waiting for them. In truth, the subject had ...

Prophecy (2010) by James Axler

Shadow Born (2014)

He grimaced at the sight of three trucks, similar to the one that Grant and the others had procured back at Victoria Falls, except these had been mounted with machine guns and were filled with gunmen.     What do you think you are, idiot? A swordsman? Thurpa winced at his own ...

Shadow Born (2014) by James Axler

Crimson Waters

The crudely but colorfully painted image that accompanied the words made it clear the half fish, half voluptuous nude blonde woman in question was blowing bubbles or spouting breath like a sounding whale.     “Classy,” Mildred said.     “Needs must when the...

Crimson Waters by James Axler

Hanging Judge (2013)

one woodcutter demanded.     Cutter Dan stood facing the two men, rubbing the side of his face. Then he snatched his hand away. The cut the coldheart bastard had given him had far from truly healed, and it itched like blazing blue death.     “Fair question,...

Hanging Judge (2013) by James Axler

Hell's Maw (2015)

The steps and surrounding walls had been blackened from the bomb blast, but the shattered glass from the door had already been swept away. One of the men was nailing a wooden panel in place over where the glass had been damaged, while the other carefully tapped out the glass that remained, droppi...

Hell's Maw (2015) by James Axler

Prodigal's Return

Then J.B. lunged forward to attack with a sizzling road flare, and the mutie quickly retreated. However, the blast doors were already in motion. Rushing to the internal keypad, Jak punched in the access code to try to stop the process. Sometimes that worked, but this time there was no result, and...

Prodigal's Return by James Axler

Devil's Vortex

Hammerhand was pumped and strutting back and forth between a pair of pickups parked twenty feet apart with their noses facing each other at the rendezvous spot. “I broke his nuking neck. Bang! Like that.”     “Yeah, yeah,” Mindy Farseer, leaning against the other truck, said. ...

Devil's Vortex by James Axler

Deathlands 124: Child of Slaughter

“Another bite dust.” Jak spun the revolver around his index finger, then blew on the barrel as if puffing away smoke. “Jak six, muties zero.”Ryan snorted and kept sweeping his longblaster from side to side. “But the bastards keep coming.” He thought he saw movement and flicked the barrel toward a...

Deathlands 124: Child of Slaughter by James Axler

Truth Engine

It was so well sealed that he could hear nothing other than his own breathing and, if he stood very close to it, the swirling of the magma energies in the overhead light pool. Rosalia had offered to deal him back into the game and, despite his distrust of the mercenary woman, he was reaching the ...

Truth Engine by James Axler

No Man's Land

the man with the bandaged side was saying over his cracked mug of beer. “Not one fucking chance at all.”     The beer looked like piss and no doubt tasted much like it. The gaudy around them was the sort of gaudy to serve beer like that.     Which was to sa...

No Man's Land by James Axler

Deathlands 122: Forbidden Trespass

Krysty heard Ricky shout.His gleeful cry wasn’t needed. The locals’ resolve had withered in the face of the companions’ blasterfire. The front rank—the survivors, who hadn’t tripped or fallen over the dozen or so wounded or dead who had been the mob’s front—had turned and were pushing back into t...

Deathlands 122: Forbidden Trespass by James Axler

Apocalypse Unborn

The menagerie’s exit was completely blocked by rolling cages full of highly agitated Wazls. The enforcers used steel mesh nets to cover the four-foot gap between the cage tops and the underside of the double doorway. This prevented the muties from reversing course and attacking the enforcers once...

Apocalypse Unborn by James Axler

Haven's Blight

He brought walking-stick fingers to the bullet hole. He pressed the fingertips against it.     Blood squirted out to the sides, down his T-shirt and up into his beard, to the decreasing rhythm of his heart. He toppled from the mesh sling seat.     Wildly Ry...

Haven's Blight by James Axler

Dragon City

That’s what Domi was watching through the ice-cool plate, she realized, as she watched the thing that had been Kishiro vibrate and shift within Enlil’s alien apparatus. Kishiro wasn’t simply rocking; he was actually shifting dimensionally, his constitution changing to accommodate the download of ...

Dragon City by James Axler

Desert Kings

The sec men and women behind the cannon crisply saluted the baron as he rode by with the running sec men close behind.Rattling and clanking every inch of the way, Ryan directed the war wag through the gate and angled around the bulwark to enter the ville. The amassed sec men behind the bulwark di...

Desert Kings by James Axler

Time Castaways

A feathery rainbow of songbirds twittered in the leafy branches, and a cottontail coney darted among the laurel bushes in search of food. Off to the side, a hulking stone gargoyle sat amid a plethora of clover. The decorative statue was cracked across its weathered visage, giving the fantastic cr...

Time Castaways by James Axler

Lost Gates

Fragments of life from her past and maybe even her future whirled inside her skull, there at the periphery of her consciousness but never quite close enough for her to take hold of and fully understand. The thoughts jumbled and flung together before being ripped apart and flung into the deepest r...

Lost Gates by James Axler

Hive Invasion

It was warm in there, uncomfortably so, and Mildred felt sweat begin to form on her neck and arms. The air smelled strange, almost indefinable. It was peaty, or earthy, and yet she scented the distinct odor of something animal—something alive—in here, as well.     The chamber ...

Hive Invasion by James Axler

Angel of Doom (2015)

“I’m awake,” Lakesh murmured, yawning and looking at the empty space where Domi should have been sleeping. He ran his fingers through his thick, gray hair, matting it back down even as the swift, tight-beam transmission was translated and transmitted via the computers. “Contact made. Invited in. ...

Angel of Doom (2015) by James Axler

Hell Road Warriors (2011)

He rolled out of bed with his SIG-Sauer in one hand and his panga in the other. Krysty sat up. “Lover…what—” “Gear up.” Ryan heard Krysty’s blaster clear leather. “Stay behind me.” More gunshots and screams rang out below where the convoy, cargo and the majority of the passengers were berthed. Ry...

Hell Road Warriors (2011) by James Axler

Perception Fault

poked at the charred remains of what had been their dinner with the blade of his knife, shaking his head. “Damn shame.” “Got that right.” Ryan had made his way back to the rest of the group to find them all puzzling over the unusual fight. Mildred arched an eyebrow at both of them. “You talking a...

Perception Fault by James Axler

Sorrow Space

Kane whispered as the shadow thing passed behind the pebblelike armaglass. “Where did you send us?”     Brigid held her shotgun in a two-handed grip, steadily targeted on the chamber door. Short of breaking through the reinforced armaglass, the door was the only way in and she...

Sorrow Space by James Axler

Dark Fathoms (2013)

“You know, this isn’t really bad, all things considered,” Mildred said between bites of a piece of wafer-thin dried seaweed. “But it’ll never replace eggs, bacon and buttered grits with a side of sourdough toast.”     “Got that right in one,” Ryan said, trying to muster up the...

Dark Fathoms (2013) by James Axler

Chrono Spasm

Krysty had been leaning against the sill, gazing through the thick glass through which the central courtyard of the ville could be seen. She was in tune with Gaia, the Earth Goddess, and being locked away from her like this hurt Krysty, driving a wedge of discomfort through her soul.   ...

Chrono Spasm by James Axler

Polestar Omega (2014)

Lima scanned the wall-mounted, remote monitor screens from a chair behind a desk in the sound-and germ-proofed autopsy suite. The pint-size, mutie hairballs jumped up and down and jabbered unintelligibly. The huge, quasi-reptilians beat on the bars and wailed to be fed. In contrast, the clutch of...

Polestar Omega (2014) by James Axler


In so many ways, the heavy smoke acted like water, obediently following the tunnels and the grooves in the rock. The rush resembled a solid wall until a person looked closer and saw that it was actually speeding smoke. Deep inside there was a thin red line of lava flowing from one part of the rum...

Moonfeast by James Axler

Iron Rage (2015)

Arliss exclaimed. “And they got their big tubs with ’em!” Krysty climbed to her feet in alarm. Without even looking, Ryan stood up beside her and reached an arm to steady her. Ryan gazed south, along the length of the cabin. Out beyond the prow of the Mississippi Queen a V of five blasterboats wa...

Iron Rage (2015) by James Axler

Baptism of Rage

Tanner?” Daisy asked, as Doc regained his composure and sank into the chair beside her. Her voice was low, intimate, with a sweet, rich quality like molasses. Her eyes, a shade of blue so light they appeared almost white, peered at him, the tiniest creases appearing at their edges where she smile...

Baptism of Rage by James Axler

Deathlands 118: Blood Red Tide

Ricky cried out. “Looks like it has anchorage!”“Thank you, Mr. Ricky!” Loral called. Optics broke out across the deck. The Glory had spent most of her second career after skydark in short jaunts and island hopping. Few of her current crew were used to this kind of long, unrelieved, undermanned, e...

Deathlands 118: Blood Red Tide by James Axler

Apocalypse Unseen (2015)

“Ninurta was the Annunaki god of war,” she recited over the shared Commtact link, “whose city was Lagash in ancient Babylon. His parents were Enlil and Ninlil, so he came from pretty tough stock.”     Kane sighed as he heard this. The Cerberus warriors had suffered seemingly e...

Apocalypse Unseen (2015) by James Axler

Wretched Earth

the young man said, “all at once. Dozens of them. Mebbe hundreds. Just attacked without warning.”     He wasn’t a sec man, but a local from the north half of the ville. One loyal to Miranda, it would seem, since he had come forward voluntarily. Ryan wasn’t sure that was wise, ...

Wretched Earth by James Axler

Playfair's Axiom

Names among cannies tended to be like life: nasty, brutish and short. Also intensely literal-minded. It was hot and humid here in the late afternoon. The air was thick and smelled of the river, and also the shit and piss and decomposing body parts in the vast stickie nest a little bit to the nort...

Playfair's Axiom by James Axler


Dark Lady asked. She held up a cut-crystal decanter half full of amber liquid taken from a cabinet behind her. “Well, not technically cognac, I suppose. But it amounts to the same, even if it’s not imported from what used to be France.”     “Still must be some primo scavvy,” M...

Motherlode by James Axler

Judgment Plague (2014)

Drool clung to the ex-mag’s chin, and he struggled to stifle a cough. Around them, the prisoners were watching warily, frightened by what Grant had done to their cellmate, scared that one of these mysterious strangers might put a bullet in them, too.     Brigid looked up, saw ...

Judgment Plague (2014) by James Axler

Eden’s Twilight (2009)

“Mayor,” he said as a greeting.Laying down her knife and fork, Henrietta Spencer waved the deputy onto the wooden porch. “Come on up, Ted,” she said with a tolerant smile. “I’m just finishing dinner. There’s plenty of fried chicken and cornbread if you’d like some.”“No, thanks, Your Honor, I ate ...

Eden’s Twilight (2009) by James Axler

Downrigger Drift

Occasionally they had to detour around broken sections of the road, but for the most part, they kept heading due southeast. The sun blazed high overhead when they stopped for lunch and to give the engine a rest, pulling into the overgrown gravel driveway of one of the long-abandoned farmhouses th...

Downrigger Drift by James Axler

Thunder Road

We hope you slept well.”The voice was calm, assured, sibilant and not the rider’s. The lights, which had dimmed almost to blackness when the door had shut on her the night before, were now raised to a level where they penetrated almost painfully through her eyelids. She opened her eyes, squinting...

Thunder Road by James Axler

Cosmic Rift

The floor was pitched at an angle, sending the three of them deep below the surface. Kane wondered how deep they could go, knowing that the city resided atop a floating disc. The tunnel itself smelled of damp and metal polish, and there were pipes running along its ceiling and walls, with coupler...

Cosmic Rift by James Axler

Blood Harvest (2010)

The storm clouds had been replaced by dreary overcast devoid of warmth as the sun rose. At some point exhaustion had overtaken fear and she had fallen asleep for a few hours. Raul was gone when she awoke. Mildred reread his message. The gargantuan son of a bitch had walked right up to her as she ...

Blood Harvest (2010) by James Axler

Necropolis (2014)

She saw the six figures leap and land about her.     And, unlike Kane, she had not been disarmed. Brigid Baptiste had made certain that she had avoided capture and kept her slung rifle and handgun. Even as she was urged to race past Kane and his reanimated opponent, she was ta...

Necropolis (2014) by James Axler

Plague Lords (Empire of Xibalba, #1)

The companions had already drawn the unwanted attention of the guards stationed inside the store’s entrance. He told the others in a low tone, “We need to move now, and we need to quickstep. Don’t run until we get outside.”“Wait a minute!” the musician called to their backs as they left him stand...

Plague Lords (Empire of Xibalba, #1) by James Axler

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