Its cargo hold was made of a rusting railway transfer bridge, kept afloat by dozens of barrels and tires, encircled by large floating pontoon docks. This was where the “newbie” Free Scavengers were supposed to gather and get their first instructions and assignments from their boss, Duncan Roth. Flynn slowed down the Seeker and let it glide slowly toward the nearest dock. Pharrell and Clay were already there, their raft moored to the Station’s docking platform. Flynn was immediately struck by how quiet the two boys were. Always full of laughs and loud chatter, they were now sitting in silence. Pharrell turned to look at Flynn. “You alone?” the boy asked, puzzled. “They took Tony,” Flynn said as he tied his raft next to theirs. “And my father!” Pharrell nodded. He then looked away, his red-rimmed eyes wandering absently over the horizon. Flynn studied him for a moment, frowning, trying to figure out what was wrong with Pharrell... And then it hit him… The boy had lost someone close, someone who had been on the List, just like Flynn’s father.