An abundance of sunlight had been piped in via solar tubes to provide the room with a sense of warmth. Well-chosen pieces of art conveyed a sense of restrained elegance, the huge granite-slab desk testified to Hingo’s authority, and the fact that it sat on a raised platform ensured Hingo’s dominance over those who came before him. However, comfortable though his surroundings were, there was plenty to worry about. Legate Isulu Usurlus was going to arrive on Dantha in two days, and there was a tremendous amount of work to get done prior to the dignitary’s arrival, which was why Nalomy had instructed Hingo to buy more slaves. The investment would probably pay dividends in the future but was something of a liability at the moment since the newly acquired slaves were untrained and had a tendency to make mistakes. But there was nothing Hingo could do about the situation other than make some carefully considered assignments and hope for the best. With that in mind, he was interviewing the new slaves to identify those who could be assigned to the more-visible tasks, while the rest would be put to work in the kitchen, or out on the grounds where they would be less likely to cause trouble.