“Your chariot awaits.” “You’re not allowed to make that joke if you actually own a chariot, you know.” But I’m too tired to protest, and I know we’ll move much faster this way. “Are you sure you’re all right with this?” “It’s fine. No sweat.” Le sigh. He really is a prince. Fortunately, it’s only a couple blocks before we get there, though the crush of tourists gawking at all the pretty, pretty lights slows us down a lot. Madame Tussauds wax museum is usually a super-fun place. Dad had a guest a couple of years ago who wanted to see behind the scenes, so I got to go with them to watch how they make the molds for the wax figures. It was seriously wild. Someone’s actual job is threading every single piece of hair into the wax head, and someone else hand paints all the eyeballs. Imagine that phone conversation with her parents: “Mom, I got a job today! I know, I know. I’m really excited. I’m going to be painting celebrity eyeballs. What? No, I didn’t hit my head.”