Bree and I delivered Will and Rob to the stables after breakfast for an entire day of horsey fun, then took off for Tappan Hall. I was fueled by a flood of optimistic energy, but Bree looked as though she could have used a few more hours in the sack. “Did you get any sleep last night?” I asked after her fifth yawn had sucked most of the oxygen out of the Range Rover. “Not much,” she replied. “I got carried away with my Shangri-la piece. Didn’t turn off the light until after midnight.” She rubbed her nose and peered at me with bleary-eyed curiosity. “Who were you talking to in the study?” If I hadn’t had a tight grip on the steering wheel, I would have driven through a hedge. I hadn’t realized that Bree had overheard my conversation with Aunt Dimity and I hadn’t the faintest intention of introducing one houseguest to the other. “Reginald,” I said as casually as I could after receiving such a severe shock to my nervous system.
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