Ramirez said he would give our book to Jerry. I even mentioned that we might turn into a world-famous author-illustrator team. “Dream on, Ava,” Pip said, but I bet she has been daydreaming too. She once told me that while she would not want to be famous, she would like to be an artist. I handed her: Q is for queen triggerfish. The queen triggerfish is big and bright; It changes colors and sleeps at night. Then I casually mentioned that we had to finish by next Friday. “What??!” Pip said, her voice rising. “Ava, we still have ten letters to go!” She was freaking out, but I think she was also getting extra inspired because next thing you know, she was drawing an elaborate border of shiny golden crowns for the Q page and telling me to get to work on “rainbow trout.” I am now going to bed. I’m going to leave my door wide open in case Taco Cat decides to visit.