What do You think about Baltagul (2006)?
De obicei nu imi plac majoritatea lecturilor scolare avute pe parcursul anilor.Dar,surprinzator,baltagul mi s-a parut o carte buna.M-a captivat de la inceput povestea....probabil din cauza faptului ca am o inclinatie spre romanele politiste si cele cu elemente ale sadicului.Prima data cand am auzit despre Baltagul a fost cand citind ceva pe net am dat de un paragraf din carte...cel in care erau descrise ramasitele lui Nechifor Lipan...mai tarziu am aflat ca e lectura scolara.Nu sunt o fana a literaturi romane deoarece m-am saturat de toate cartile despre viata la tara....Dar Baltagul este o carte pe care o voi tine cu siguranta minte.
Needed for school,read it,never again. Thank God it was short! The first pages bored me to death ...A widow who is trying to find her husband and goes from the inn in inn asking people if they saw him,who is too dumb to say anything bad about someone or to suspect anyone and who also thinks that God will solve it all... I don't know ..I practically dragged myself throughout the story. I think the end was the only palpitant thing. Oare de ce am facut recenzia asta in engleza ? o_O Nevermind.
Not bad.