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Read Barefoot In Pearls (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 3)

Barefoot in Pearls (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 3)

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South Street Publishing

Barefoot In Pearls (Barefoot Bay Brides Book 3) - Plot & Excerpts

She was finally finished going through everything, certain she had some real artifacts. Some shells, some coral, but some pieces with real value, though she couldn’t be sure until she got a professional assessment.
    Pouring a second glass of pinot noir, she carried it to the sofa where her MacBook was open to the map and directions to a place less than an hour away, known as the Mound House archaeological site.
    Curling into the corner of the couch, she sipped wine and clicked through the pictures of the museum and Case House, a structure that had been built more than a hundred years ago on land that once teemed with Calusa Indians.
    They were nothing like the Miwok of California, but Ari found the basic Native American similarities in beliefs, clothes, and customs in this tribe that lived off the sea rather than the land. Everything she discovered was familiar, recalling her long, lazy summers of traipsing along next to Grandma Good Bear on various sojourns to festivals, protests, craft events, and museums.

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